I stumbled onto this website and it takes stock of how bad (or good) things are getting.
When it comes to statistical data regarding content piracy, the complexity of the data and its abundance is utterly mind boggling. The data channels are scattered across geographical borders and scientific dimensions. The nature of matter effects the data gathering process resulting in datasets with chaotic orders and unclean results sets.
Despite all this it is of grave importance to understand the trends and fashions behind the content piracy as a thriving organism and understand it better. Furthermore appreciation of statical of data regarding content piracy can be huge advantage in a business intelligence point of view.
At Degban we put a great effort into analysis of statistical data gathered by our servers and present our findings to our clients free of any charge. Here you can get a sneak peek at the statical data gathered every second by our servers and get an idea of when and where piracy is happening on this globe. This section is regularly and autocratically kept up to date.
here to see the charts.