04-01-2003, 11:07 AM
is only editing this
because Chris is a
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Help me out here ladies
Yesterday an associate came into our office and proceeded to make this bold statement, "All women have thought about prostituting themselves at one time or another".
While my wife wasn't um, pure when we met, I also felt that I knew her pretty well, so using her as a reference, I defiantly called the guy an idiot (but in a nice way).
So he continues on, "No, no. Don't mistake that all women have thought about walking the street, but ALL women have, at one time or another, thought about selling their body for sex."
Again, I continued to defend my wife's honour and told him he was a little off base.
Finally he said, "Call your wife and ask her. Has she ever thought about it? A fleeting thought or whatever. I'm sure she has. WHEN she answers yes, ask her what stopped her from doing it. I'll bet it was ONLY the fact that others would find out. So, if noone would ever find out, she would have sold herself for sex."
I called my wife while he was sitting there and needless to say, I was shocked by her answer. When she was about 14-15 she says, she had the occasional thoughts about prostituting herself. SHE says however, that what stopped HER was the risk of disease, danger AND that she couldn't enjoy it if she didn't feel "a connection".
This guy was laughing his ass off as he saw me questioning my wife and I'm sure by the dumbfounded look on my face.
So help me out here ladies and give me something to show this guy that he's wrong. That or, I guess, prove that I'm ALOT more naive than I think I am.
04-02-2003, 11:33 AM
Evil Chris
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Ron, I'd have to agree with your buddy that probably all women have thought about that. Maybe not seriously considered doing it, but I'd bet the thought has crossed every woman's mind at one time or another. Probably more in a role-playing, fantasy, way...
Bring it on ladies... let's hear you!
04-02-2003, 04:00 PM
is the Queen of Mean
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Yes, I thought about it.
Women learn early on how to get what they want, when they want, from men.
We learn as little girls how to smile and look cute to charm our dad.
When we hit puberty and look in the mirror and discover we now have breasts, it's kewl cuz we know the older boys will notice and want them.
The day you go shopping with your mother for clothes and you pick out this really kewl outfit, and your mom says "I can't buy that for you. Your dad will never let you out of the house wearing it and he will kill me for buying it." Bingo! You now realize it's not just the older boys that will take notice of you.
We all have played the game. We all have worn a sexy outfit. We all have worn skimpy summer clothes. We all turned on the charm to get what we wanted. Whether it was to date the guy all the girls wanted, or just maybe to make another guy jealous, we have all done it.
When we reach an adult, some women choose to get paid for sex. They know they have what a man wants. It's a powerful feeling. For that moment, we are not the weaker gender. Guaranteed, some women do it because they can. Other women do it to support a drug habit or kids or college...
Some women choose not to get paid for sex. They choose to not to enter into that lifestyle. Whether it would be street walking, escorts, strippers, gold digging, amateur porn flicks,... , they just simply choose not to do it. But, in the back of our minds, we know we could do it if we ever wanted to, or needed to in some form or another.

04-02-2003, 06:22 PM
is Travelling the
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Well...How do you nice people think I met Chris?  No seriously, if you think about it prostitutes are much smarter then us "normal" women...They get paid for it, we give it away for free!!!
Ok, I'm in a gooffy mood...I just can't seem to be serious. Ronaldo you worry too much hun! Smile! 
04-02-2003, 07:00 PM
Karen Virtual
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" What would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor cuz hes hungry, and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money?.. and his daddy's gone, so we're smokin rock now, in and out of lockdown, I aint got a job now.
So for you this is just a good time but for me, this is what I call Life! mmm."
- City High

04-02-2003, 07:24 PM
Karen Virtual
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I can honestly say that I have never considered prostitution but then again I've never been in a situation where I had to think about it.
04-02-2003, 11:15 PM
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Some women think of marriage as a form of prostituing themselves. And when girls go to the nightclubs or bars without money on purpose... cuz they know they won't need it... the power of the allmighty 

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04-03-2003, 02:16 PM
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"girls go to the nightclubs or bars without money on purpose... cuz they know they won't need it"
I was a lucky guy with 3 women for roomates at 1 time and i can say they used to do this all the time.
SOmetimes if we were out with some guys they would even tell the guys that we were their dates and that as long as they kept sending us drinks, we would leave them alone and they could talk to them
So even a guy can get free drinks from a guy, you just have to be gay or have a women roomate and some very stupid men
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