PIB Cash Announces its new 50/50 Rev-Share Program! - X Nations
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Old 06-02-2003, 03:44 PM   #1
Vegas Babe
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Default PIB Cash Announces its new 50/50 Rev-Share Program!

PIB Cash, which currently pays webmasters $30.00 per sign-up, announces today the launch of our 50/50 revshare program. This program will now give PIB Cash webmasters a chance to make more money by paying 50 percent of all income generated for the life of every surfer you refer! PIB Cash affiliates may choose to take advantage of both the PPS and Revshare options, for those that like to use both. Our new system also give referring URL stats, so you know where your traffic and sign-ups are coming from!

We'd also like to announce the newest site to our line-up... Dizzy Tits! This captures the entire breast fetish market, targeting all sizes and shapes of breasts, as we follow Dizzy's quest to find the best breasts. Jump on this new site today, its going to be a HOT one!

PIB Cash currently offers 29 different sites with new sites released often. We cover a wide variety of both gay and straight niches and provide all the tools necessary to help turn your clicks into dollars. We have free content, hosted galleries, a wide variety of banners, and pre-made ads to help sell your site. We also have pop-up free tours, plus an option to pop a 2nd PIB Cash site of your choice on exit!

For more information you can contact Tam at admin@pibcash.com or stop by our site.
Click here to signup now!
<table width="450" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" height="60"><tr><td bgcolor="#FF9900" width="120"><a href="http://www.pibcash.com/index.php?id=7"><img src="http://www.pixelpie.com/pibcash_120x60_btn01.gif" border="0" width="120" height="60" alt="PIB CASH"></a></td><td width="330" bgcolor="#410304"><font size="1" color="#660099" face="tahoma"><b><font color="#000000"><a href="http://www.pibcash.com/index.php?id=7"><font color="yellow">SIGN UP FOR PIBCASH'S NEW 50/50 REV SHARE PROGRAM!</font></A></font></a><br><font color="yellow">Looking for Traffic? Hit me up!</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="1" color="yellow">ICQ UIN #101741619</font><br><a href="http://www.xxxporntastic.com/"><font size="1" color="#FF9900" face="tahoma"><b>xXx Porn Tastic - Submit your AVS Sites!</font></a><br><a href="http://www.theredcherry.com/"><font size="1" color="#FF9900" face="tahoma"><b>The Red Cherry - Submit your free & AVS Sites</b></font></a></FONT></td></tr></table>
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