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Old 09-13-2004, 01:56 PM   #1
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Default PEcash Fights DDoS Attack

PEcash Fights DDoS Attack

The entire network of PEcash online stores has been under an intense DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack that began on Friday, September 10th and has continued to ramp up through today.
By Saturday morning September 11th, all attempts to increase server performance and increase bandwidth had failed. By Saturday afternoon we had an agreement with THE best DDoS protection service available.
It has taken another 24-48 hours to implement this service, tweak the service and propagate the DNS that brings all our relocated stores back online.

As of this morning, Monday September 13th we are 100% fully restored.
We are continuing to monitor the situation.

The good news is that our agreement with the DDoS protection service keeps us protected from DDoS attacks in the future. In fact, we are so impressed with the service and their technicians that we would not consider doing business without them from this point forward.

I would like to thank all our affiliates who know us and trust us and realize that an outage like this is very uncharacteristic of our service, history and company philosophies.

At the same time, I would like to apologize to all our affiliates for not notifying you sooner. The recovery from this attack has been all consuming and without going into great detail, there were security reasons we could not announce this sooner. Most companies would not even admit to having
experienced a DDoS attack, even after it has been brought under control, but we know we owe you an explanation.

To those who think they can find better service elsewhere, all I can say is when a DDoS attack hits, no one is safe.

To our competitors, all I can say is, when it happens to you, give me a call and I'll tell you what your options are to minimize the impact.

Due to security precautions, I cannot reveal any more information about who the DDoS service protection company is, or any numbers regarding the volume of the attack, so please don't ask.

What a fucking weekend…

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<a href=""><img src="" border=0></a><br><b>ICQ: 291-876-007</b>
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Old 09-13-2004, 02:43 PM   #2
Evil Chris
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Ken that really sucks...

Would you care to reply to this thread?

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chris at | ICQ 342827
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Old 09-13-2004, 03:01 PM   #3
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Advice taken - Other thread replied to.

Thanks Evil Chris!

If anyone has any questions about their PEcash account, please email me: ken at pecash dot com or ICQ: 291-876-007.
<a href=""><img src="" border=0></a><br><b>ICQ: 291-876-007</b>
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Old 09-14-2004, 12:19 AM   #4
Mister X
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So why do you keep lying about the problem being fixed? And why did it take you 4 or 5 days to admit that there even was a problem?

I personally have seen that the sight has been down since Friday morning. I know at least one other person that noticed things were up and down on Thursday!

As of now goes to GAMELINK. And it has since before you made your post today.

Oh yeah... newsflash: all anybody has to do to see what "secret" company you hired for ddos protection is run tracert. It times out at And how does telling anybody the volume of requests being made help any attackers? they already know! Since your program is Still not working after all this time you might want to reconsider how wonderful Prolexic is.

As far as better service: you're damn right I think I can find better service elsewhere. I've already done it! Gee I hope the guys at mallcom know how to use an email list or post a news item on their website when their service is going to be down. It's such a hard thing to do...
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Old 09-14-2004, 10:16 AM   #5
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MrX is just pissed off because his favorite pornstar's movies have gone out of stock. We move over 100,000 DVD pieces a month through our warehouse AND we tell the consumer what is IN STOCK and what isn't - while other companies don't do that. If he had a clue as to what the lifespan of a DVD title is, he would understand that it's NEW RELEASES that sell. But I expect he learned every thing he knows about selling porn with his dick in his hand.
MrX, if you REALLY think that our domain is pointing to GameLink, then I suggest you get off the crack. Either that or your post was just too weird to understand. Any lingering outages to this domain name are a result of DNS propagation, we took some calls from the midwest yesterday that reported they still couldn't bring up the domain.
Additionally, we simply won't comment on the security service or the strength of the attack so as not to provoke or antagonize the attackers. It's not a secret, it's just common sense, you should get off your high horse and grow a little of that common sense.
If you were spending the kind of cash we were for services like this, you'd keep your mouth shut too - it's into 6 digits.
So you want to be the big "I told you so" and "you heard it hear first", but you really just turned out to be Chicken Little.
PEcash is owned and operated by GVA-TWN Cleveland. GVA-TWN Cleveland is the oldest adult distributor on the continent. GVA-TWN has been distributing adult wholesale and retail since the late 50's. Don't tell me you know retail better than we do. If you knew what you were talking about then you would know, it will take a holocaust to remove PEcash and our online stores from the net.
35% on Adult Product Sales for life.

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