02-03-2003, 10:13 AM
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The one and only.
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Where did you meet yours?
Where did you meet your significant others (present & past!) ??
My first long term GF I met in HS and later ran into her the summer before my Sophomore year in college and we started to hang out.
My Second long term GF was the roommate of a girl that I used to work with, I started to hang out at their place and just hit it off.
Currently single though 
02-03-2003, 10:26 AM
is Travelling the
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02-03-2003, 10:54 AM
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Kitty's love slave :)
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02-03-2003, 10:57 AM
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Kitty's love slave :)
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02-03-2003, 11:07 AM
is Travelling the
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Ok, seriously I met Chris at a local pub during happy hour! And HE hit on me!!!! 
02-03-2003, 11:15 AM
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Internet Annoyance
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Tev and I met in a book discussion group on AOL, called the Book Shelf, in 1994.
Financial Marketing Strategist
Celeb Traffic?
02-03-2003, 11:32 AM
is not it.
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I used to consider myself a "professional single"; not wasting my time dating the wrong people and killing myself in bad relationships. I had more fun on my own, doing my own thing. Not like getting laid was ever a problem. Just finding that right person eluded me until I was 23. Hell, my longest relationship was 5 months up until then.
When I was first learning HTML there was this graphic designer who had a kick ass site called Liquid Fusion Graphics. I emailed him asking if I could borrow some buttons & background images to create my first web site. He said sure, and thank you for asking.
When I was running the marketing department at the same company a year or so later, they were trying to recruit that same graphics designer from Liquid Fusion to come work at our office. So we began talking daily over ICQ.
About 6 months later Mr. Liquid Fusion came down to Florida to visit our office to consider moving down and coming to work for us. One look and later that night I jumped his bones without hesitation  Needless to say, he missed his flight home.
During the 6 months after he moved down we decided that rushing a relationship would not be good, and considering that he just moved to a new state with a new job and I was moving to another company, we decided to date here and there until one day..... we decided we were ready.
Since then we have spent every night together and after 3 years of living together we are now engaged. Mr. Liquid Fusion is my man Brian who has been working for InsiteAdult.com now for the past 1.5 years. I run resource center, AdultChamber.com.
So not only are we in the same industry, he's the graphics and I'm the marketing, the images and the words, our talents truly compliment eachother and I'm really happy to have finally found my signifigant other.

Hardcore, Blowjobs, Gay, Wives, Lesbians, Gangbang, Movies, Tranny, Interracial, Teen....
16 Sites, $35 PPS/ 60% Revshare :: Capitalize on Experience
Cyndee - Director of Marketing & SEO
02-03-2003, 11:40 AM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Oh my... that is so nice Cyndalie...
Hmmm is this how we got together, or how we first met?
How we got together is.... a long, interesting story reserved for when I'm really drunk and talkative hahahaha
How we met.... buran was the very first person I met coming in for my interview with TrueCash. He was standing outside in shorts and a teeshirt smokin a cig - saw me all dressed up in interview gear and took me to Oz....
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
Media Buyer For DatingGold!
02-03-2003, 11:44 AM
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Awwww...that's too sweet!!!
Spider and I met each other when he used to Baby-sit me and my sister! LOL (Not many people can say THAT!! LOL) Don't worry, it was innocent...
He was like 17 years old, and friends of my Mom and Dads. Dad helped him build his first Harley even. Well, I was like 11 years old and Mom and Dad wanted to go out. They asked Spider to watch us. We had Cable-TV, so he was thrilled to babysit. Hahahhaha
Well, soon after that, he took off to sew his oats, (or whatever) and left town/state for 5 years. He came back for a family thing, and little 11 year old Sharlot had grown up. I was 16 and CUTE! hehehehe (Also a bit of a flirt). Mom and Dad invited him over for a BBQ, and...well...he didn't have a chance! I caught him hook, line and sinker! Mwhahahahha
Got married when I was 18 and have been blissfully happy with him for 14 years!
Lady Sharlot :-)
02-03-2003, 12:28 PM
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Internet Annoyance
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For me, having my significant other in the industry...or, at the very least, self employed, has been a positive.
If I were married to a nine to five guy, I think there would be problems.
Do you think that is true?
Financial Marketing Strategist
Celeb Traffic?
02-03-2003, 02:05 PM
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Jesus Saves!
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ive met most of my g/f's through work/friends or clubs and stuff. I'm not a "ladies man" meaning i dont go out looking to get laid and hit on chicks all night, i play that shy role (it works too) 
Make More Money Then A Hug Salesman in Retard Town With Rage Cash
Sites So Hot You'll Sweat Harder Then R Kelly At A Girl Scout Meeting!
02-03-2003, 02:10 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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I think for the most part its the best if your sig. other is in the industry. No matter what they have to be open to what we do and understand the industry. Before buran and I got together, I dated this guy that just didn't get it. Totally jealous that I was making all this money, just bought a sports car... an a beautiful condo....
When my first show came around he FREAKED. Called me every 2 seconds wanting to know what i was doing. After I got back he accused me of doing anything and everything under the sun. Needless to say he is looooong gone...
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
Media Buyer For DatingGold!
02-03-2003, 11:13 PM
Vid Vicious
is makin porn
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on a content shoot .. nuff said !
02-04-2003, 02:07 AM
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In the Yahoo personals, believe it or not ... been together three years now and it gets better every day.
<table border=2 bordercolor="MediumBlue" bgcolor="#ffff80" cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr><td><font face="Verdana" size="2"><a href="http://www.boardscanner.com"><font color="#cc0000"><b>Boards Scanner</b></font></a><BR><a href="http://www.allofemtoyou.com"><font color="#006600"><b>All Of 'Em To You newsletter</b></font></a><BR><a href="http://www.contentgod.com"><font color="Purple"><b>Content God - The Ultimate CMS</b></font></a></td></tr></table>
02-04-2003, 12:14 PM
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I used to catch my guy staring at me when I was in karate class or the weight room at college... so one night at a party, I approached HIM. Not only did he sneak me into a bar that night, he made it past the defensive line of the football team that protected me like a little sister, AND he was ok w/ me saying that I wouldn't sleep with him the first night (I waited 'til the next day )  haha
Even though he's a 9-5 working stiff, he's been my partner in crime and drinking for 12 years and even told ME that I should get into adult sites years ago (of course, I had already been designing them for a few months)
He has absolutely no problem w/ my involvement in this industry and goes w/ me to all of the conventions. And hey - not many wives in our circle actually ASK their men to go with them to stip clubs to take photos or to judge if a site tour is "raw" enough!!
We are totally partners in everything (as anyone who's seen us in Vegas or Miami constantly drinking and laughing w/ eachother will attest to)
so it's almost like he is in this biz which I think is what you need if both partners are not. Couldn't imagine not being able to discuss crap with him... and yet it's nice that he has a "regular" job so our neighbors aren't so nosey
ok... 'nuf said
02-05-2003, 04:05 AM
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at a club dancing like crazy...

02-06-2003, 09:28 AM
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Xited Frenchy
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Met her during my last flight from Paris to Vegas for the Internext show...

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