Lots of cheating websites - PROOF! - X Nations
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Old 10-26-2005, 11:37 AM   #1
Kay should edit this
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Default Lots of cheating websites - PROOF!

Hi all,

We have a new forum you might want to check out on Certified Webmasters - exposing cheaters we've found and providing PROOF (screen caps). I've been working hard on this forum because we need to work together to ban the cheaters! I'm not just talking about the people who pull recips and such (even though they suck too!) but webmasters who are blatantly scamming partner programs, link lists, etc. PLEASE take the time to look over this list and remove any offending websites from your links. Even if they aren't scamming YOU they are CHEATERS and have cheat traffic and *could* be scamming you and you don't know it! Also, take a look at the lists that continue to be cheated and don't do anything. Why do people want to trade with lists that allow cheating and don't do anything? Lists that allow cheaters on their lists are scamming everyone out of traffic -- even honest webmasters like the rest of us.

Thanks in advance for your participation and attention --

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