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Old 02-18-2004, 11:48 AM   #1
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Default Naughty or Nice Test

The Naughty or Nice Test
How will you Rate?

Results of "The Test" How naughty are you?
Your score = 50
What does your score mean?[justify]According to your answers, you stray from the path of purity and innocence with your wayward ways from time to time. This doesn't mean that you're 100% to-the-core naughty - just that, on certain days, you can't resist the temptation to get involved in something a tad on the risqué side. So what stops you from giving in to that temptation all the time? Maybe you draw the line at behaviors that could hurt other people, have personal limits about how far you will go or have simply never been presented with the opportunity to engage in some of these mischievous endeavors. There may be no danger in these occasional "bad" deeds - unless you're hurting someone else, breaking some kind of vow (like fidelity) or setting yourself up for trouble. Consider the consequences of your naughtiness before you indulge, and if it's harmless, have fun! If not, however, think twice!
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:14 PM   #2
jscott is travelling and not working
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haha, damn, i got an 80!! wow!

What does your score mean?
You've been bad, very, very bad... and you love it! If your naughty streak hasn't already gotten you involved in some risqué situations, you're definitely on your way to a life of debauchery... especially when it comes to sexual escapades. You appear to have difficulty resisting temptation, and jump at the chance to have some naughty fun regardless of the potential consequences. While these little adventures may be harmless in some situations, they could also seriously backfire. Next time you're presented with an opportunity to exercise your wayward ways, take a minute to consider the damage you could be doing - either to other people or yourself. Is it always worth it?

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Old 02-18-2004, 08:17 PM   #3
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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According to your answers, you stray from the path of purity and innocence with your wayward ways from time to time. This doesn't mean that you're 100% to-the-core naughty - just that, on certain days, you can't resist the temptation to get involved in something a tad on the risqué side. So what stops you from giving in to that temptation all the time? Maybe you draw the line at behaviors that could hurt other people, have personal limits about how far you will go or have simply never been presented with the opportunity to engage in some of these mischievous endeavors. There may be no danger in these occasional "bad" deeds - unless you're hurting someone else, breaking some kind of vow (like fidelity) or setting yourself up for trouble. Consider the consequences of your naughtiness before you indulge, and if it's harmless, have fun! If not, however, think twice!
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Old 02-19-2004, 08:52 PM   #4
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Your score = 90

What does your score mean?
You've been bad, very, very bad... and you love it! If your naughty streak hasn't already gotten you involved in some risqué situations, you're definitely on your way to a life of debauchery... especially when it comes to sexual escapades. You appear to have difficulty resisting temptation, and jump at the chance to have some naughty fun regardless of the potential consequences. While these little adventures may be harmless in some situations, they could also seriously backfire. Next time you're presented with an opportunity to exercise your wayward ways, take a minute to consider the damage you could be doing - either to other people or yourself. Is it always worth it?

As always with these tests, they are very context-deficient...

Fact is, I'm much worse (for certain people) than bad... I'm a saint.
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Old 02-19-2004, 09:39 PM   #5
Valerie should edit this
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Wow...I got a 60.

What your score means?

According to your answers, you stray from the path of purity and innocence with your wayward ways from time to time. This doesn't mean that you're 100% to-the-core naughty - just that, on certain days, you can't resist the temptation to get involved in something a tad on the risqué side. So what stops you from giving in to that temptation all the time? Maybe you draw the line at behaviors that could hurt other people, have personal limits about how far you will go or have simply never been presented with the opportunity to engage in some of these mischievous endeavors. There may be no danger in these occasional "bad" deeds - unless you're hurting someone else, breaking some kind of vow (like fidelity) or setting yourself up for trouble. Consider the consequences of your naughtiness before you indulge, and if it's harmless, have fun! If not, however, think twice
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Old 02-19-2004, 10:22 PM   #6
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Your score = 70

"You've been bad, very, very bad... and you love it! If your naughty streak hasn't already gotten you involved in some risqué situations, blah ,blah ,blah ,blah..."

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Old 02-20-2004, 11:06 AM   #7
Bratt should edit this
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I just can't believe i scored a 50! I am way more naughty than a 50! hehehe
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Old 02-21-2004, 02:07 PM   #8
Odie should edit this
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I got 65...
AVN Odie
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Old 02-21-2004, 06:33 PM   #9
suesheboy should edit this
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40. Kinda figures
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Old 02-21-2004, 08:33 PM   #10
cyberpunk should edit this
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Fucking eh finally get a perfect score in a test!

Results of "The Test"
How naughty are you?

Your score = 100

What does your score mean?

You've been bad, very, very bad... and you love it! If your naughty streak hasn't already gotten you involved in some risqué situations, you're definitely on your way to a life of debauchery... especially when it comes to sexual escapades. You appear to have difficulty resisting temptation, and jump at the chance to have some naughty fun regardless of the potential consequences. While these little adventures may be harmless in some situations, they could also seriously backfire. Next time you're presented with an opportunity to exercise your wayward ways, take a minute to consider the damage you could be doing - either to other people or yourself. Is it always worth it?
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