A personal first for me - X Nations
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Old 05-30-2006, 06:35 PM   #1
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default A personal first for me

I had an electrician out this morning to look at my breaker box. The guy was fantastic: funny, bright, verbal...everything I could want in somebody spending three hours at my house. During the course of the many rapid fire conversations...I actually *told* him what I did for a living. Not just "I'm a writer" or "I build websites," I told him *what* I wrote and what kind of websites I build. (Why? I could ask myself. No clue. I guess ya just had to be there.) Well, he'd planned on sending me an email of all his recommendations, so he has my email address. He also has a piece of paper on which I wrote the URL to one of my websites. I handed it to him, chuckled, and said "in case you'd like a little 'quiet time' later." It broke him up.

It felt magnificent to be completely me. I told him that I was "Morgan Grayson" in case he ran into the name, and he said "*you're* 'Morgan Grayson'?" in a way that made me wonder if he'd read the name somewhere. (He's probably in his 30's or 40's - I'm not good at guessing ages - and definitely has all of his testosterone flowing in all the right places.)

I smoked, I swore, I told him how to improve his website - a rapid fire lecture that made him hand me his phone numbers and ask if he could stay in touch, because I knew things he didn't even know he didn't know, if you follow that. (In case you're reading this Nick, you'd be proud to know my mercenary brain cells were firing and thought I just might be able to turn this into some money as well as pleasant conversation. )

It was the first and so far only time I've told someone who walked into my "real life" what I do so completely. It was wonderfully liberating. For a few hours, I was all of me. I liked it. I'm not stupid enough to haphazardly announce to the world what it is I do, but I just might lighten up a little with some people.

Can any of you relate to the wonderful feeling it is to say "this is who I am and what I do"?
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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