Gay Pornstar "Marcus Allen" To be Tried for Murder - X Nations
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Old 02-12-2007, 12:48 PM   #1
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Unhappy Gay Pornstar "Marcus Allen" To be Tried for Murder

"Gay for Pay" pornstar Marcus Allen will be tried for first degree murder, says "he didnt mean to".

Remember Timothy Boham aka Marcus Allen - the gay-for-pay porn star accused of killing his boss, Denver business man, John P. Kelso?

According to Denver Detective Aaron Lopez, who interviewed Boham after his arrest, Boham arrived at Kelso's intending to steal money for his pregnant girlfriend. Debating whether or not to kill Kelso, Boham accepted his offer to join him in the bedroom. Once there, Boham branished a gun and ordered Kelso to open his safe. The Denver Post reports:

"Boham went into the bathroom, came out, put a gun to his (Kelso's) head and demanded he open his safe," Lopez said of Boham's statement. He said Boham tried to handcuff the businessman, forced Kelso into the bathroom where the combination to the safe was kept, and then led him back into the bedroom.

There was a struggle, which left Kelso bleeding profusely, Lopez testified. As they re-entered the bedroom, Kelso lunged for the "panic alarm" on the wall, Boham told the detective.

It failed to go off. But Kelso's attempt to reach the alarm left a "blood smear on the wall and blood on the alarm," Lopez testified.

At that point, Boham said he tackled Kelso and put a pillow over his head, Lopez testified. The gun then discharged, although Boham claimed he didn't pull the trigger and didn't know why it had fired..."

That's what Boham's defense lawyer's saying, too.

Not very clever, no, but what other choice do they really have? Boham allegedly confessed the killing to his mother and sister before trying to flee to Mexico. Detective Lopez also testified that Boham went back to the scene to clean up any potential evidence, particularly DNA.

Sounds to us like there's a good chance Boham's going to jail, where, no doubt, someone will make him gay-for-no-pay. Hope he brought lube...

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