01-28-2006, 12:15 PM
should edit this
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Thank you, Vicious
I went to your site just now and read this. From one creative to another...my deepest thanks.
Creativity is the building block of existence. Without creativity we do not exist. If we do not exist we do not dream. Without dreams we wouldn't desire. Without desire we wouldn't create. I direct the way I feel, the way I see.. I write according to how I can film. what I see is possible, affordable ...I‘m not really looking for a compelling story, more so I'm looking for a lead, a way to explain - why we are watching sex .. We watch because other people's pleasures mirror our own ... We want to feel, what they feel, see what they see... This is why we watch .. This is why we create.
Vicious Photo
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.