Buying gay content :( - X Nations
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Old 06-05-2006, 07:06 PM   #1
ponyboy should edit this
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Angry Buying gay content :(

A very sad thread indeed, but I feel you ALL need to be aware of this. My partner in British bucks bought some hot twink content from this company. And let the problems begin!

This is my partner writing.

I have had recent dealings with a photographer from the following website

here is some background on this situation.

He seemed to be a very nice guy, did good exclusive work, and we purchased 4 exclusive photosets from him. I was a little worried about using him as he is in South American, but the money was paid, and the photosets where delivered shortly after.

The same week, this individual got robbed. His house was cleared out and he lost all his equipment. This is when the problems started.

The individual started demanding more money for the sets he sold to us over a week before. This was clearly worrying, and I refused to fall for his demands for more money.

The guy thinks he can mess me around, because he is in South America, and to be honest from initial talks with my solicitor, there is nothing I can really do about this.

He is planning to resell the exclusive sets he sold me to 4 different people as none- exclusive.
This is disgusting, its bad business, and I hope none of you fall for this jokers games like we did.

Sorry about bringing a doomy start to your week, but imagine how this is going down with me.

I hope you will inform friends that buy content of this individual so nobody else has to loose time and money.

Thanks guys and gals

The gentle man, keep on ICQ-ing me to talk to Sam about this matter. Sam my partner kept on saying he was paid in full.
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