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Old 10-15-2006, 05:22 PM   #1
TastyDollars Ray
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Default Hey Idiot!

When my husband and I arrived at the car dealership to pick up our car, we were told that the keys had been accidentally locked in it. We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver's side door. As I watched from the passenger's side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered it was open. "Hey," I announced to the technician, "it's open!" "I know," answered the young man. "I already got that side..."


The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it is safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an intellectually challenged co worker of mine, when she asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals to blind people when the light is red. She responded, appalled, "What on earth are blind people doing driving!"


was at the airport, checking in at the gate, when the airport employee asked, "Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?" I said, "If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?" He smiled and nodded knowingly, "That's why we ask."


I worked with an Individual who plugged her power strip back into itself and for the life of her could not understand why her system would not turn on.


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