Let's talk about passwords
I've been half watching the nats debacle unfold and some thoughts about passwords came to mind. Let's play "what if" and "who's to blame"...
What if a major board had a database hack and the usernames, passwords, and email addresses all got leaked. Now, what if you use that same username and password for everything from other boards, to your ebay account, your epassporte account, your bank account, etc. What if because of the information leak someone just guessed to try those user/passes in places other than the point of origin, and they worked, and your shit gets messed up, you lose money, etc.
Who's to blame? The board that got hacked for bad security? The hacker? The person who leaked the information? Or your dumb ass for using the same username and password for everything you do online?
With that in mind, how many username and password variations do you use on a daily basis?
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