03-06-2011, 10:51 PM
is chasing the money so
he can afford the
Citizen X
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: FL and CA
Posts: 193
xBucks: 49,710
Are You A Adrenaline Junkie? <pix inside>
Most days these people are just ordinary suits just like you, pushing numbers and closing deals . . .
But when they attend adultwebmaster gathers such as The Barcelona Summit (European Summit), or The Phoenix Forum . . .
They transformed themselves into becoming fearless and professional go-kart racers . . .
The large indoor track features a challenging combination of long straights and hairpin turns for true racing thrills . . .
On this day, we know who the real men where . . .
Are you man enough to see how your performance stacks up against your competitors at the next Ynot Grand Prix