-*- Crissy Moran & MediumPimpin -*-
well now were getting somewhere..im proud to annouce the release of Medium Pimpin's latest effort:
test traffic to this tour has been a amazing 1:184 and it is from multiple sources and the numbers hardly vary at all..in other words---> Crissy is MONEY...!!
hosteds gallerries with 5 template options each are awaiting your traffic..heres a few samples..of course any special promotional needs can be handled in a timely manner for big dogs and mack pimps and pimpets..
Happy New Year Everybody..See ya's in Vegas..;-)
<p align="left">
<a href="http://shadow.mediumpimpin.com">
<img border="0" src="" width="120" height="60"><b>
<font face="Arial" size="3">.:Start Pimpin:.</font></b></a>
<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>My Real Kewl TGP-<a href="http://www.shadowpages.com/tgp/index.shtml">ShadowPages</a><br>
ICQ 54077725 | CELL 954-593-3883 | Shadow@Mediumpimpin.com