I have some questions about galleries.
What u think, what gallery generate more profits?
Gallery with only text make in html all only images (meybe banner)
my gallery:
or graphic gallery:
Twice gallery i make a lot of more time then first and i dont now that twice gallery will generate me more sales, will be efficiently. In time that i make one gallery graphic i can make 5 different no graphics, text galleries. So what bribes?
Plz tell me in yours galleries what type are sales what type of gallery u make. In twice gallery i have some about 5000 views and several clicks no sales=]
I use AS to add to TGPs, i add to big tgps and niche tgps. Maybe anyone have same upgrade database with new database or improved tgps informations?
In graphics galleries i use 1 layu to 5 galleries:
its good?
In text galleries every gallery is different. Plz answer to my questions i will be very happy