Need a part time job? We are looking for sales reps!
New webhost is looking for serious sales reps. Comission based, you work in your own spare time for a recurring comission per sale / referred client. The average client stays for several months up to a year.
Your job will be aggressive marketing (boards, search engines, link lists, ICQ, everything but spam), you will only be dealing with *your own* potential customers as a referer and will be credited for signups through you or your affiliate code, or if the customer picks you as the sales person during signup. Your job will not include technical support, although you are free to help out your clients. Once your customer signs up your job is done as the technical staff takes over - total freedom.
You will be treated as part of our sales staff, with access to the billing and sales/helpdesk ticket systems, and will be able to comunicate with your referred clients and be up-to-date with what's going on.
Interested? Hit me up for a chat on ICQ 337636615, we are looking for no more than a couple of sales reps.
YourAdultHosting Andrew - ICQ 337636615 - andrew(at)