NEW! - Triplexcash Ver 3.0
BIG news! Triplexcash has taken some significant steps to improve our backend stats system and to provide you with a program that converts better, the way you want it to.
We have installed new stats software, but that isn't to say that you current links will not work. THEY WILL. You can continue to fly your current link codes wherever they may be with no need to change them.
We're now paying you $25 per signup (trials too!) as well as our successfull 50/50 revshare option. What's more, we're going to be paying a whopping $200 for every active webmaster referral!
If you wish, you may
sign up and promote with new link codes of the New Triplexcash Ver 3.0.
Also, to commemorate this upgrade, we're introducing a new site to the line-up of Triplexcash sites: (see screen capture below)
Real footage, from a real strip club, shot after hours in private.
Your traffic is going to LOVE this one, so grab the content for it now and give it a go!
If you have any questions about either the new Version 3.0 or the new site, give me a hollar (chris -at- or ICQ 342827.
Congratulate yourself... you're going to make major bank with this stuff.