I wanna learn. Especially from all you good ol'e boys - X Nations
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Old 03-23-2006, 02:39 PM   #1
Nickatilynx should edit this
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Default Re: I wanna learn. Especially from all you good ol'e boys

Originally posted by Bhelliom
Ok kids.

We all know what I do... I do SEM and have never owned anything myself. All my experience is in managing already existing sites.

I'm sort of thinking about trying my hand at a paysite now. This has just come up when I was talking about it with a few people that want to start producing content.

So since I have NO experience whatsoever in starting a website... I have a few questions I hope some of you can answer.

1) Who does good design work and where can I find it cheap.

2) Content management... I need something that will let me control the look and feel of the website, and also allow me to update it easily. (I suck at programming)

3) hosting, what's good... what isn't... how much bandwidth do i need for a new site?

4) Billing.... CCbill? or another like that? or get my own merchant account?

any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

is there anything i'm reall missing? stuff i should be thinking about when doing this the first time?
Mate , you are mnissing the single most important thing you need before having a paysite.

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