Originally Posted by Evil Chris
I know that some amateurs out there are fiercely competitive, but I would think that the best approach to take nowadays is the laid back one.
Do your site the way you like, and set up appropriate link exchanges at your own pace. Create your fanbase and take it from there. I have found that way too many amateurs have drifted towards more of a corporate way of thinking, and in doing so have lost a lot of touch with their fans.
I think its about time that we stop calling them amateur sites. When we got carol going, it was non profit...it was AMATEUR.
Amateur is for fun, not for profit...a hobby etc...
Kinda off topic, but I had to put 2 cents in.
We should start to call them "Personal Porn sites" or something like that... homemade pornsite, etc... but not amateur.
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I'm not Easy, but sometimes I get tricked