12-05-2002, 12:42 PM
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Know Any Good PS2 Games?
I bought my man a Playstation 2 for Christmas and I'm looking for game suggestions. I never even had a nintendo so I'm pretty out of the loop.
I know there are some gamers in here  Bring it on!
What games should I get him? I got NHL and Tekken already. He likes games based on skill and strategy but not ones you have to dedicated the next month of your life to figuring out lol - you know what I mean
Ho Ho Ho!
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12-05-2002, 12:44 PM
Evil Chris
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Cyn... I love my PS2. Unfortunately I don't have as much time to play it as I would like. My favourites are Gran Turismo (the latest one, whatever version that is...) and Grand Theft Auto 3.
12-05-2002, 12:46 PM
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Gran Turismo 3 is the best game out there... it has the highest replayability, as well, which is important, too.
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12-05-2002, 12:50 PM
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Grand Tourismo is defininately a keeper, it was the only game I could play on the PS1 LOL
Good one, thanks guys!
Is grandtheft auto 3 really that good?
Any adult themed games for PS2?
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12-05-2002, 01:03 PM
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 I think Soul Reaven is a very good game in Ps2. I played it on Ps1 but the design and graphics are a lot better in Ps2.
12-05-2002, 01:13 PM
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If he is a sports fan, any of the 2003 Hockey or Madden Football games kick ass. Grand theft 3 is great. The new Syphon Filter is amazing and is very addictive. Tony Hawk 2,3 or 4
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12-05-2002, 01:18 PM
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Turisimo and the Grand Theft Vice City are addictive as heck. Madden Football is great to bang around with friends too.
12-05-2002, 04:28 PM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by MarkTiarra
Turisimo and the Grand Theft Vice City are addictive as heck. Madden Football is great to bang around with friends too.
Cyn, Funbrunette just let me open a birthday present... and inside I found a copy of Grand Theft Auto - Vice City. It's the next installment after GTA3 (which was awesome)...
You want adult themes? LOL... it's got it. 
12-05-2002, 04:32 PM
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Originally posted by Cyndalie
Grand Tourismo is defininately a keeper, it was the only game I could play on the PS1 LOL
Good one, thanks guys!
Is grandtheft auto 3 really that good?
Any adult themed games for PS2?
Yup..GTA 3 - Vice City. Addictive...funa nd ya got ya adult elements in there too. Am sure he'll like it. Just be ready for him to forget about ya once he gets into the game. SO it falls down to do ya get it or not. Decisions..decisions =)
12-06-2002, 01:43 AM
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The best game out is Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty!!!!!
TRUST ME!!!!!!
I am a big PS2 fan, also another game that is really good (but more of a strategy) is Hitman 2.
Metal Gear Solid 2 is a game about a bi-pedal nucleur weapon with the capabilities of world destruction. Solid Snake who is a character in the game must stop this from happening. The good thing about this game is it has a great story line and is very cinematic..you'll forget that its a video game!.....The story line has great twists in it too!
Here is the thing....if he has played part 1 for PS1..then he'll understand the story line better...if not... still, the story is easy to follow!
He'll love it!.......and if he ever gets stuck in the game.....let me know!....i know that game like that back of my hand!
12-06-2002, 01:47 AM
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Incase it's not abundantly clear by now; GTA all the way, darling!

12-06-2002, 02:01 AM
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Mr Mission Dollars
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I've tried 100's of games and out of all the ones i have i always go back to:
Grand Tourismo
Grand Tourismo Concept
World Rally Championship
Ricky Carmicheal MX2002 (Good 1&2 player game)
Medal of Honour (frontline)
Grand Theft Auto III ( I think the next version is out)
FreekStyle (Good 2 player game)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX2 (Good 2 player game)
F1 2002 (Good on a big 50inch + TV)
TOCA Race Driver
There are some pretty naughty aircraft sims out too now as it's the next generation of games that are much better all round.
Hope that's enough to be getting on with 
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12-06-2002, 09:38 AM
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If you like the classic shoot 'em ups, check out Silpheed: The Lost Planet
That game was a classic on the PC.
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12-06-2002, 09:40 AM
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Definately get him Grand Theft Auto Vice City and if he's into wrestling, get him Smackdown 4 - Shut Your Mouth.
12-06-2002, 10:44 AM
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PS2 !! Wooo Hooooo
Brian's a lucky guy !!
I knew I should have swooped Cyn up when I had the chance ... 
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12-06-2002, 10:55 AM
Evil Chris
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Funbrunette did get me a copy of GTA-Vice City.
I played it for a few hours last night... needless to say, I got to bed late!
Great game! A lot like GTA3, but with more stuff to do, and it's a lot more adult oriented. I wouldn't recommend it for kids.
12-06-2002, 12:01 PM
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Wow, thanks everyone! Looks like GTA is the way to go
BuggyG, yep looks like my nights of getting tucked in for bed and sleeping bum to bum are long gone.  Last night I pulled a "If you draw me a bath I wont mind if you play plastation for the rest of the night" Man he hopped up and had that tub filled so fast!
All I know is my christmas present had better kick ass! LMAO
Thanks - keep em coming if you guys know any more good ones! Any good fishing games?  I wish there was like a Bruce Lee fighting game where you have to get your belts and then fight in tourney's and shit. That would be pretty bad ass.
Any cool hydro-type racing games?
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12-06-2002, 12:20 PM
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and for a rental and not a buy i would say NHL HITZ 2003
12-06-2002, 03:48 PM
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Originally posted by mailman
MUST BUY: Metal Gear
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about metal gear. that game is a must. Also, Sega's coming out with some newer games, I started another thread on it here:
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