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Old 03-20-2007, 10:16 AM   #1
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Question How Wired are You?

I have to be honest here, I forget my cellphone alot. I leave it at home, in my car, in my pocket lying in the hamper in a pair of pants...Hell half the time if it rings and I dont know the number I don't even answer it.

Computers is a different story. I'm on an average of 3 different machines a day. One in the office, one in my home office, and my laptop that follows me around the house. I'm never far from a machine it seems like, but I'm always hopping from one to another. It drives people on my icq list crazy how much I go on/off line.

I don't own a blackberry. I don't have a earthing for my phone (ok, I know, bluetooth). I do have 2 ipods, a digital camera, a camcorder I never use...I have a ps2, an xbox360 (which I've never played with yet), a Wii. I got gadgets. But yet I prefer playing a game of darts or hanging out on the patio to spending much time with them. (Yes, the laptop does come on the patio with me...I learned the hardway not to use it while playing darts lol).

I guess my question is, how many gadgets, communication devices, etc do you find yourself within an arms reach of at any point in the average day?

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Old 03-20-2007, 10:25 AM   #2
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Lots of gadgets everywhere, but like you I end up with the computer! The game consoles are mainly for the kids! The camcorder and digital camera are for pictures of the kids! But the computers, cellphone and remotes are MINE!
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Old 03-20-2007, 10:35 AM   #3
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i gues, i'm pretty modest on the gadgetry for someone in this biz. got a fancy cell. its new. it has a cool video cam. i have a sony digital cam with a carl zeiss lens. a laptop - i work off this.

now, the gadgets i want: another laptop; a new digi cam and definitely a wii.
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Old 03-20-2007, 10:44 AM   #4
glad2beme should edit this
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well, you seem to have a lot of choices on what to do in a day with all those gadgets around.=) I think you are soo wired...=) Nice to know you still enjoy doing other things like playing darts.
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Old 03-20-2007, 11:04 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie View Post
I guess my question is, how many gadgets, communication devices, etc do you find yourself within an arms reach of at any point in the average day?
Too many! I have my cell phone, and my bluetooth adapter, which I only wear when I am driving. I think it looks ridiculous when a guy is walking around with one on his ear. Don't they know how stupid that looks?

I have said it before. I think we are all way too accessible now. I wish I could throw my cell phone away, or at least only have it in case of emergency when travelling. People communicated just fine before mobile technology came around. You just had to plan your life out a little better.

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Old 03-20-2007, 11:29 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
I have said it before. I think we are all way too accessible now. I wish I could throw my cell phone away, or at least only have it in case of emergency when travelling. People communicated just fine before mobile technology came around. You just had to plan your life out a little better.
Well said... I couldn't agree more!
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Old 03-20-2007, 11:33 AM   #7
daisyswank should edit this
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Oh well i have proclaimed myself a crackberry addict, also with computers at home, work, laptops, and ever stupid gadgit and game out there. I love the days that i forget my phone and sit in my car wondering how did life exist before cellphones and instant gratification. We have become a sick world addicted to our PDAs, etc.......
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Old 03-20-2007, 12:45 PM   #8
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I am pretty wired, but having recently moved from Toronto to a beach town for the summer I get the opportunity to disconnect a little.

Though I have to say, its hard, my laptop just died and I am rarely far from a computer. If I had to be offline for more then a few days I think my skin would start to crawl from missing it
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Old 03-20-2007, 02:36 PM   #9
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I never was much of a gadget person and I never will be.

The only time I take the cell with me is when I'm traveling to the States or any long road trip. I don't feel the need to be connected when I'm out running errands or shopping. If I'm not home, I'm not home. Leave a message. That is what voicemail is for.

I can't have an XBox or a Wii or anything similar. I'm a major game addict and if I bought the consoles, I would not see the outside world for weeks. Definitely not a good idea for me.

The only time the laptop is really used is if my computer is going through an exorcism, scheduled maintenance, or if I'm away from home for more than a day and need to connect.

I'm personally not interested in the iPods. They are cool, but I have no use for them. If I'm on a plane or train, I prefer to read. For road trips in a car, there is always my CDs, custom CDs, or the radio. I never wear headphones or ear buds when I'm out bike riding or going for a walk.

When I unplug from the computer for the day, I completely unplug. I don't feel the need to be connected to the online world 24/7.
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Old 03-20-2007, 04:17 PM   #10
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I have said it before. I think we are all way too accessible now. I wish I could throw my cell phone away, or at least only have it in case of emergency when travelling. People communicated just fine before mobile technology came around. You just had to plan your life out a little better.
totally agree - cell phones are a tool to be used, not a life line as some people treat them. Answering them is optional. Now having said that... I live with two of them within arms reach pretty much at all times... Different server alerts are wired to each one so if something goes down, I find out within a couple minutes.

Past that, I keep track of things with my Palm Zire sync'd to two different computers for safety... but I don't do email from it at all. I don't believe in BlueTooth, so when I drive with my phone, I've got the funky wire hanging down... Desktop computer during the day and laptop at home.

Digital camera for the quick easy pics, but still pull out the film 35mm SLR for the shots that count. Someday I'll be able to afford the Canon digital to replace the old SLR. Totally frustrates the kids when they want to see the pic right that second and I say... when it gets back from the lab...

The kids have a PS2 that I'll play with them on occasion, but I'm not much for those types of games. I'd rather be outside in the sun, preferably riding my mountain bike or annoying the kids with my crappy guitar skills.

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Old 03-20-2007, 04:30 PM   #11
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I hate my cell phone. I honestly don't know why I got one. I leave it on the kitchen table, and my gf will bring it to the car "You left your phone behind"... yea, I know I did

Besides that, I'm a pretty big tech geek. I have a PS2, Xbox360, Nintendo DS. I have 3 computers in my house, one for each person in the house, networked together (wireless & wired). 50" projection in the main room w/ surround sound used mainly for movies only. In the bedroom is where all the consoles are, hooked into a 42" plasma.

So basically, I have a lot of things to drown out the real world, except that damn cell phone
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Old 03-20-2007, 09:19 PM   #12
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Let me put it to you this way, I NEVER leave home without my cell phone. In terms of pc and other gadgets I can usually go a few days without too much withdrawal. What can I say, I like to be connected! Yup I'm whipped!
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:14 PM   #13
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Not that much...

I have a cell phone but it's the only phone I have now. I have a kick ass computer and I spend quite a bit of time on it but I'm a teacher so I don't use any technology at work... I also have a digital camera.

That's it.

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Old 03-22-2007, 11:47 PM   #14
Rochard should edit this
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I work from home these days.....

I have two work stations and a laptop. I have multiple digital cameras and a camcorder. I have a Playstation but only play three games on it.

My cell phone is always on it and I pick it up no matter who it is.

Well, unless it's Lawerence Connor.
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:01 PM   #15
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I'm just hooked up on my computer all the time. Not really into all the other gadgets. Don't really use the cell phone much cause I'm always on the computer at the house.

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