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I think he has very powerful magnets implanted under the skin in his face that is pulling the specially made glasses to him, that or he is really Obi Wan...
Chris Angel... Thanks... Couldn't think of the guys name when I wrote the post. That guy definitely does some pretty wild illusions.
As for these glasses guys, I have no idea. Your reverse theory is a pretty good one. It's like you watch the video a few times looking for some hint of how the trick might be done, but it just ends up leaving you with more questions.
Very perplexing video. Must have watched it 6-8 times. But, I think you are on to something with reverse video and editing theory! Hopefully someone will come across with the real answer!
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I watched it a couple of times. No freaking way is what I keep thinking.
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It was done alot easier than you think. The footage is rewound thats why there isnt much audio. Obviouisly pulling such things off in real life is impossible.
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