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Old 07-12-2007, 09:33 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by CUM2ME View Post
3. And lets say you want to do your own thing ,and you want to hire girls... Where do you get them? And what are the prices? Like Ive seen a lot of people here are from Montreal, and I am from Toronto (I was actually in MTL like... 5 days ago?) & for every time you shoot a video you have to get her ID, name, last name, etc, etc. And obviouslly you have to make sure that she is clean.. right? And so as he... So do you have to do an STD CHECK every time they are about to have sex?

I don't think you need to get the same girls ID every time, she isn't getting any younger, but you may want to get a contract with her every time so she can't sue you later for something. Same for guys, the guys can be little crying bitches too. Do some research on this stuff, there is a lot of info on legal issues for adult sites.

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Old 07-12-2007, 10:13 PM   #2
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Oooo, thanks a lot! =]

What about like prices & stuff?

Im new at this but...
Cant you go to like Strip Joints? Rub'N'Tug? Stuff like that?
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Old 07-13-2007, 12:26 PM   #3
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actually the feeds I have are for paysites NOT free sites - I think painful was thinking of our feeds that he uses on his paysites.

Panky has pretty much said most of what I could regarding free sites - and in your last questioning, you asked another 3 questions. I wont get into what I feel are the best free sites since honestly- there are way too many out there.. but I can help you with the last two.

you asked

2. But what is your suggestion? First start with free sites for about a year or what not? Get to know the industry a little bit, the right key terms, how the money is spread, which company is good, which company is not & then start on your own stuff?

there are some who have the time to start a few free sites to learn basic programming skills and networking, but soon become disillusioned because honestly there are so many damn free sites out there that you get lost. Not too mention that no one has brought up copyright infringements which you are going to have to watch for. large companies that we all trusted are suddenly being sued by the original content producers simply because their pictures/movies were never allowed to be used on free sites to begin with, they just did it on their own.

btw - falcon won their lawsuit and you can see now that pornkings is owned by tucker who owns falcon.

try doing free sites if you wish, but if you can start a paysite then you have the ability to create your own content and make some serious coin faster than if you went the free site route

3. And lets say you want to do your own thing ,and you want to hire girls... Where do you get them? And what are the prices? Like Ive seen a lot of people here are from Montreal, and I am from Toronto (I was actually in MTL like... 5 days ago?) & for every time you shoot a video you have to get her ID, name, last name, etc, etc. And obviouslly you have to make sure that she is clean.. right? And so as he... So do you have to do an STD CHECK every time they are about to have sex?

oh god.. this is such a huge question and varied depending on location. best use a modelling agency and NOT strippers etc. putting ad's in papers in generally the best source but do not be exclusive to girls only since many papers dont want you to give the impression that you are biased.

and YES YES YES - always have all std's checked and presented at the time of the shoot. also make sure that you video tape them holding their ID up so that they can say on camera that they are not under any influence and agree to nudity etc. many times models can be pricks and come back saying they were unaware... it helps you in this case

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Old 07-13-2007, 03:11 PM   #4
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What is a good site to look at models? (Toronto-area wise?)

Ye, making my own contant is defentlly better.
But then again... It costs like... 40x more then a free site.
For free site you pay for... Hosting, Server, Gallery = 30/40$ PER SITE
Here you have to pay for Hosting + Server + COUNTLESS bandwidth + Models, ye... Lol. It defently adds up!

Cant you ask an investor? I know this might sound kinda dumb, but cant you ask an investor to give you money? And then you'll pay them back w/ a certain %?
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:54 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by CUM2ME View Post
What is a good site to look at models? (Toronto-area wise?)

Ye, making my own contant is defentlly better.
But then again... It costs like... 40x more then a free site.
For free site you pay for... Hosting, Server, Gallery = 30/40$ PER SITE
Here you have to pay for Hosting + Server + COUNTLESS bandwidth + Models, ye... Lol. It defently adds up!

Cant you ask an investor? I know this might sound kinda dumb, but cant you ask an investor to give you money? And then you'll pay them back w/ a certain %?
Interesting point ... Well look for and if you find some let us know

Was nice to read your topic as i'm newbie as well and found great answers here .

But I've decided to start doing it the hard way ... free sites and later when I'll have money and know-how I'll start paysites ...
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:57 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by CUM2ME View Post
What is a good site to look at models? (Toronto-area wise?)

Ye, making my own contant is defentlly better.
But then again... It costs like... 40x more then a free site.
For free site you pay for... Hosting, Server, Gallery = 30/40$ PER SITE
Here you have to pay for Hosting + Server + COUNTLESS bandwidth + Models, ye... Lol. It defently adds up!

Cant you ask an investor? I know this might sound kinda dumb, but cant you ask an investor to give you money? And then you'll pay them back w/ a certain %?

I'd stay away from investors. In the event that maybe your site isn't going as planned, is it worth getting stabbed or shot or broken bones? Banks probably won't lend to you and Jimmy two toes on the corner will own you for the rest of your life. Just save up some capital and do it right, and on your own.
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.
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Old 07-13-2007, 08:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by CUM2ME View Post
What is a good site to look at models? (Toronto-area wise?)

Ye, making my own contant is defentlly better.
But then again... It costs like... 40x more then a free site.
For free site you pay for... Hosting, Server, Gallery = 30/40$ PER SITE
Here you have to pay for Hosting + Server + COUNTLESS bandwidth + Models, ye... Lol. It defently adds up!

Cant you ask an investor? I know this might sound kinda dumb, but cant you ask an investor to give you money? And then you'll pay them back w/ a certain %?

alright, here is one example thats good once done that I suggest you place ad's in back end newspapers like NOW in toronto. dont just ask for girls because they dont like you singling out one sex over another.

investors in canada are going to want over 80% of your company and have more control than what your asking for. american's are generally more open with their pockets - plus - canadian investors are not going to just let you walk away from anything worthwhile, they will demand a huge buyout - and remember, they also have money to do this themselves.

best to try and do it as much by yourself as possible, unless - you find someone prepared to put money in and leave you alone to succeed and all you do is give him reports - send him a girl for the night every now and then to keep him happy

hit me up on icq since I am close to you in brantford - I may have a few girls here that you can talk too

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
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