08-07-2007, 11:31 AM
Evil Chris
is drinking Heineken
Clone of myself
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What it is you do
Here's an opportunity to use the main forum to spam your stuff!
Tell us who you are, what you do, who you work for, or what you own.
I have been with Teenrevenue and previously Triplexcash for the past 5+ years. They're both great programs that will make you a lot of money.
I also own and run several TGPs and also this board.
08-07-2007, 11:44 AM
Porn Girl
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My name is Cindy and I am the Marketing and Sales Director of www.Braincash.com. I work with Fred for over 2 years and have opened a secondary sponsor program called www.PremiumCash.com. We are constantly expanding and trying to help our webmaster make money. That is my #1 priority!!!
Cindy ICQ 246545813
08-07-2007, 11:46 AM
is lovin' life
Lulu is short and sweet
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i'm a senior account executive with http://www.trafficdude.net. its a fancy way of saying that i sell traffic. A big part of my job is to make sure clients campaigns are doing well. I look at stats and tweak campaigns accordingly.
More importantly, I love my job!
08-07-2007, 11:46 AM
is feeling a little
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I'm working on something that's pretty exciting. I have been in the biz for just about 5 years. Time flies when you're doing time. LOL
08-07-2007, 11:49 AM
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T-Shirt Whore
Join Date: Sep 2002
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I work for Adult Paymaster. September 18th will make two years that I've been with the company. I handle marketing and promotions. I take care of affiliate issues. I used to also handle customer service. I wrote most of the text on the APM website and author our newsletters, site descriptions, etc.
I've been in the industry for 10 years and made my "name" by writing for and eventually becoming the editor of the CONDOM/NetPond Chronicles.
I own a bunch of little non-adult site stuff and am always dabbling around with different things.
08-07-2007, 11:49 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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My name is Joe Stricklin and I am the Director of Sales & Marketing for CelebrityCash, XXXCash, and MilitaryCash.
I've been with the company for over a year now. Before this I worked for CCBill for close to 4 years.
I also run free sites and blogs on my own.
Joe at CelebrityCash.com
08-07-2007, 11:51 AM
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Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Toronto
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Hello Everyone,
First of all thanks Evil Chris for the invitation to this board  . I'm an affiliate manager with Loaded and Camazon Cash - top place for adult personals on the web. I'm here to help you make money and make some friends along the way. Looking forward to joining the community here.
08-07-2007, 11:58 AM
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Citizen X
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Woodland Hills
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Hey Guys:
Christian here and I run PornStarDollars.com and DiabolicDollars.com (brand new program that is kicking ass). Before coming to Atlas Multimedia Inc. (our parant company) 11 years ago I ran porn.com.
Been to all the show, have met most of you, let's see what other work we can do together.
08-07-2007, 12:01 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: www.TheTongue.net
Posts: 246
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I'm the owner of www.TheTongue.net, an adult review site featuring original and honest reviews that are actually fun to read. I am also the owner of www.TongueWars.com a spinoff linktrading site of TheTongue.net
In the next few weeks I will be launching a new review site at www.BiReviews.com to handle both gay and straight content paysites.
I also write freelance for many other companies. Tours, scene descriptions, reviews, press releases, print articles... anything with the written word pretty much.
If anyone needs a writer or a review of a paysite done let me know. 
08-07-2007, 12:04 PM
is Supreme Soul Rider
Soul Rider
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My Name is Heath...
I have been around for a long time, 1st as the project manager and team leader for NaughtyMail workign for Python.
Now I am predominently a graphic designer and marketing manager. I work on a consulting basis for different companies and will be heading to LA tomorrow to begin working in house as a designer with DoubleClick Marketing.
For those who do mainstream, I manage and update www.slidingglass.com which is not only a job, but a passion as well. Chicks who wakeboard are hot!!!
08-07-2007, 12:12 PM
is lost in mtl
Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2007
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I'm Rob and I help run the webmaster program www.livebucks.com . Our main site is www.privatefeeds.com, we do free live cam feeds where you're paid on the upsell.
We're one of the classic upsells that's been around since day one, have great video quality and a network of exclusive models.
If we're not currently in your members sections we should be, feel free to contact me in order to get set up.
08-07-2007, 12:13 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Montreal
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I'm a stunt cock !
I'm the director of sales for all the Gamma Entertainment programs, this includes (you ready?)
- PornAccess
- FameDollars
- BuddyProfits
- DVDBox
- FlashyBabes
- Pornication
- GayPornAccess
- GammaCash
Been with Gamma for close to 5 years now...it's been one great ride so far and it's only the beginning !
08-07-2007, 12:51 PM
Don Soporno
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Get your Blog STOMPED!!
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well as far as adult goes I stepped away from that a year or so ago... probably longer. I do still have blogstomper.com up and running but I work in real estate mainly now.
08-07-2007, 12:56 PM
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your head in my bag
Join Date: Sep 2002
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I'm GUNNER, and you can call me GUNNER. My favorite color is paisley, and favorite food is cajun ice cream. I'm currently with ATKCash.com / ATKingdom.com and in my spare ime I love to play banjo, work on remote controlled swing sets, and read fantasy novels - all of the ones with Fabio on the cover.
I've been in adult for a little over 6 years, the majority of the time with WebcamCash.com.
Hit me up for advice if you have something to offer in return... otherwise I charge for therapy sessions longer than 5 mins.
08-07-2007, 12:58 PM
is massaging his Schram
SeXy TiMe!
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Perfecto Dollars Is The Name and making our affiliates MONEY is the game.. :-)
With over 35 pay sites in diffirent niches, and many more in production right now - together with thousands of FHGs, banners, etc - we work hard on making sure that those who choose to work with us make money.
There are tons of things I do on a daily basis, but some are:
Making sure things run in a smooth way, developing new sites and projects, talking and doing business with our affiliates and partners, etc..
Perfecto opened up its doors in 2003 - but we´ve been in the business for years prior to that..
Feel free to hit me or Gabrio up if you are interested in working with us, or if you simply want to chat.. ;-)
08-07-2007, 01:39 PM
is looking to get
webmasters nekkid
for his calendar.
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I'm the 2much.net Mediaguy and General Manager.
As GM I make sure the live video chat sites we build and power on our LiveCamNetwork 2.0 platform are done and delivered on time and ready to submit to the billing companies.
I also troubleshoot and fix problems, make sure designers understand our template, provide webmaster and B2B client support, and deal with whatever the heck bubbles up or sinks to the bottom :P
As Mediaguy for 2much.net I make sure our name gets out there, write our press releases and make sure our PR gets submitted and propagated, properly keyworded (we are NOT TooMuchMedia lol), and encourage, network or stiumlate any and all coverage of us all over the place...
As Mediaguy and project manager for the newly launched LiveCamNetwork.com affiliate program, LCNCash, I make sure there's new tools every week, put out the update emails and press releases, make sure our content is niched and keyworded properly, etc etc.... It's a new project so as we go on I'll see where the work needs delegating.
There's more, but that's the core 
08-07-2007, 02:34 PM
Casa Nova
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The Sex Appeal
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Well after all these great introductions, now I certainly have a high standard to live up to. Well I do sales & marketing for TheContentStore.com aswell as ContentBlowout.com & am determined to make sure you get great deals on whatever content you purchase from us. I may be relatively young but if there's one thing I know its content, and what sells. I'm slowly learning other parts of the industry and will be coming out with a few tgps and other sites in the next couple months just to do some hands on learning.
With TCS i just make sure our name is being seen & heard on the boards, release the PR, try to create new accounts & also do some Customer support to old ones.
So if anybody needs some Great Quality DVD Content or Packaged Video & photo sets make sure you give me a shout on icq or email & I'll make sure you not only fall in love with our content but also our prices! 
ICQ: 405-009-573
08-07-2007, 04:59 PM
is the Queen of Mean
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My official title is the Sales & Marketing Manager for Elite Dollars, but I'm pretty much a Jill-of-all-Trades within the company. One minute I might be working with an affiliate, the next I'm writing text or negotiating a deal. There's never a dull day and I love the challenge of it all.
08-07-2007, 05:18 PM
is superfantastico!
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I'm Magnus of the Clan Magnus. I work for GTS and have been with the company almost since the start over 3 years ago. I'm the deal maker, we sell traffic, traffic and more traffic, from gallery spots, exits, banners, P2P traffic, text links, blog plugs, submitpasses and some PPC traffic even.
Our big announcement this month was our deal to sell advertising for WorldSex and Al4A, to which we are extremely stoked about.
I've been in adult since 99, started project managing websites for some local playboy playmates and then was the marketing manager for a few strip clubs that had webcam operations and site properties. I opened up an online Sextoy store and affiliate program which I later sold.
Thanks EC for the opp.
I SALE Traffic!- Iphone/Mobile Traffic
- Banners/Text Links
- Pre-Paid Gallery Spots
steve a-t* gtsads dot com
08-07-2007, 05:23 PM
is FB's sex slave
Mama's Boy
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Whore World
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I am a sig whore.
See sig. 
08-07-2007, 05:33 PM
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Black Beard Pirate
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Im here to promote our videosite, its called Pornvue
upload videos for free and you get a chance to win
our monthly prize
08-07-2007, 05:36 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
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Originally Posted by ScreaM
I am a sig whore.
See sig. 
and a good one at that.

08-07-2007, 05:48 PM
is in love!
I shoot nekkid people
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I'm Sophie, I am a photographer. I have been doing photography for over 30 years and I have been doing porn photography for 11-12 years... And if I may say so, I'm quite talented...
I also helped launch http://www.angeliquexxx.com and still do a lot of photography for Angelique.
I do web design wether it's for "normal" companies or porn. I do my own designs from scratch and I personalize the site as much as possible, I like to work closely with the people to really get a good feel of what they want and need.
These days, I need to increase my income and I'd be more than happy to work with anyone of you whether it is for design or photography.
I'm currently working on a project called SonicPixxx.com (not online yet) as we still need to find a female model in my area. It's a totally new concept based on something very old and hopefully, I'll be able to show you what it's all about at the Qwebec Expo in August!
(PM me if you need some work done!)
08-07-2007, 05:50 PM
is FB's sex slave
Mama's Boy
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lol thanks Panky. Not that I don't get praises. 
08-07-2007, 11:16 PM
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X Citizen
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Own lots of blogs (/splogs) and lots of small websites about sologirls, do a lot of freelance work (seo/php/html mainly) - see http://www.internetsplash.com/ - and have a lot of other websites, both mainstream and adult.
08-08-2007, 04:05 AM
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this is claire......
and Im helping my friend to run his business
08-08-2007, 06:34 AM
is FB's sex slave
Mama's Boy
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Whore World
Posts: 580
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Originally Posted by zand_stein
this is claire......
and Im helping my friend to run his business
Helping your friend? You are putting your friend to shame. 
08-08-2007, 02:33 PM
Platinum Chris
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Runs with Scissors
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Toronto
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My name is Chris. I am an account/affiliate manager with Platinum Bucks. I started in March of this year.
Prior to this, I spent 4 1/2 years in the online gambling world doing various things from accounting and handling merchant accounts, to payment processing, to setting up marketing campaigns and media buys.
ICQ 452-693-563
Adult Rental Cash - VOD - $35 PPS or 35% RevShare
Platinum Feeds - 4,000 S8t, 500+ Gay Full-Length DVD Feeds. Contact me for your FREE 2 week trial!
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