09-10-2007, 01:12 PM
Evil Chris
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September 11th (6 years ago)
It has already been 6 years.
Lest we forget.
09-10-2007, 02:22 PM
Evil E
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I remember it like it was yesterday.. I was in a computer class in Alberta and we all started checking out on CNN.com and other websites... live that is..
At first we had no idea what really happened as the news reports had no idea either.... anyways pretty much everyone was in shock I think that class was somewhat slowed down that morning...
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09-10-2007, 02:24 PM
Evil E
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Apparently someone put some similar stock options on the Market predicting a similar crash this year...(tomorrow that is)...
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09-10-2007, 03:01 PM
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I can't believe it has already been 6 years Chris.
It feels like yesterday this all happened. That is quite a chilling video to this day.
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09-10-2007, 04:42 PM
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Appreciate the video and the impact it carries - we need to remember family and those who died hopefully not turning this into a political cry for either party.
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09-10-2007, 05:26 PM
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I remember getting just as many updates on the boards as watching CNN
09-10-2007, 06:18 PM
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I too remember it like it was yesterday. My wife woke me up saying that a plane crashing into the WTC. I didn't believe it at first but remembered that a bomber once crashed into the Empire State building in the 1940s. I got up, poured myself a glass of OJ, and was standing in front of the TV when the second plane hit. Holy shit.
Make no mistake; They are coming at us again. It's only a matter of time until they pull it off. But I doubt it will be on the scale of 9/11.
Time to move to Canada.
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09-10-2007, 08:49 PM
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I remember that day well. I can remember exactly what I was doing and watching as the second plane hit the Towers.
A few months later, we went to New York like we always did. We stopped to see Ground Zero. It was an eery feeling. Hundreds of people were gathered around and you could hear a pin drop. Even the babies and little kids were silent.
I remember visiting the Towers for the first time in June of that year. I went to New York twice a year for years, but never went to see the Towers before that. They were incredible. When you went to the observation tower, they had maps on the windows that explained which borough and landmarks you were looking at below. The view was awesome.
The Oklahoma City bombing was bad enough, but it was dismissed as a homegrown nut case. When the Towers were attacked, it was the first time many Americans felt vulnerable. We were so used to tragedies, outside of natural disasters, happening on everyone elses soil. The arrogance and false sense of security that no one would dare attack us on our own soil. Some say the Towers were an inside job. Our own Gov't was behind it. I don't really know. Regardless of whoever was behind it, they were successful in placing fear into the hearts of many Americans.
09-11-2007, 04:55 AM
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09-11 A day we will never forget.
09-11-2007, 09:29 AM
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May the heros rest in peace.
May the perpetrators burn in hell.
09-11-2007, 11:23 AM
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Chris X
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Originally Posted by vger
May the heros rest in peace.
May the perpetrators burn in hell.
They'll be out of office soon enough.
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09-11-2007, 01:28 PM
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Yup, 6 yrs ago the Bush camp created the fear campaign of a lifetime.
Thousands dead and wounded...
All for the grand master plan...... oil
Terrorists are no big deal, theyre a bunch of pussies...
Its my government i am most afraid of.
Bin laden is their puppet, his latest video attests to that. Read between the lines and youll see the truth.
They dont want him dead, th4ey need him to keep making fear videos.
I will bet a years salary that Bushco creates another 911 before they leave office so they can take advantage of the "signing statement" that allows Busco to declare Military rule and postpone the 2008 elections, and remain in power.
Mark my words... Be thankful, those of you who do not reside in the USA... We are being held hostage by the biggest terrorists of all.
America the beautiful......
09-11-2007, 04:43 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally Posted by SFS
Yup, 6 yrs ago the Bush camp created the fear campaign of a lifetime.
Thousands dead and wounded...
All for the grand master plan...... oil
Terrorists are no big deal, theyre a bunch of pussies...
Its my government i am most afraid of.
Bin laden is their puppet, his latest video attests to that. Read between the lines and youll see the truth.
They dont want him dead, th4ey need him to keep making fear videos.
I will bet a years salary that Bushco creates another 911 before they leave office so they can take advantage of the "signing statement" that allows Busco to declare Military rule and postpone the 2008 elections, and remain in power.
Mark my words... Be thankful, those of you who do not reside in the USA... We are being held hostage by the biggest terrorists of all.
America the beautiful......
agreeed . the bush gov't learned nothing from this experience ... was bin ladin involved in 9/11 .. I doubt it, was bush directly invovled . you bet!
Was the US gov't warned about this attack .. they sure were. not only did they have prior knowelge of the attacks and locations (both WTC and Pantagon) , they were warned by one of the best gov't in counter intellengence .. Isreal .. and once more they ignored it .. just as they did back in 88 when a US marine base in France got bombed ... As I said earlier .. they will never learn.
and will always point the finger at other nations...
Keep in mind when you point the finger .. 3 of them are pointing back at you.
Sorry but this was a nessaray evil .. and many more are needed to but American gov't in the they're place .. and take Terrorism seriously .. and to Stop financing and training and doing bussiness they're own enemies. it's no secret that the Binladin's and bush's go far back .. in friendship and Bussiness .. funny how that's not in the top story of the day!
09-11-2007, 06:40 PM
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6 years...and where is the progress on convicting bin laden 
09-12-2007, 05:58 PM
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I remember it too and was just like yesterday. I was living in Toronto at the time and I remember Yonge St was totally empty in the middle of the day.
All very eery and surreal.
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