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Old 03-04-2008, 10:03 AM   #1
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
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Default The Best Free Software

I checked this article out the other day, & it has some really good free apps/programs for your computer.,2817,2260070,00.asp

One that I found to be really helpful that it listed, we ourselves could use in our own industry is actually just a shared organizer type site for offices etc. With some companies having remote workers it acts as a virtual office where you can see when someone is off on vacation on the calender, when business meetings are and the notes for it etc. Has a little message board to have you all in communication and no for sure of new tasks & goals assigned & even sends email & txt message reminders for deadlines. It seems as if I'm jerking off this thing but I just think it's a really good asset to anyone with remote workers. Heres the link to it,

The original article has tons of other great things like pc security apps etc. If you find something you like put it here so others can take a look who are to busy to go through the pages of the article lol

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Old 03-04-2008, 10:57 AM   #2
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I'm a Linux user and Ubuntu is awesome. It's a stable OS, easy to learn, and there are tons of programs and utilities that work quite nicely with it.

I personally love OpenOffice. I've been using it daily for quite some time and I haven't cursed at it or ripped it out vowing never to install it again. It just runs nice and smooth, playing well with other programs.

FireFox is my main browser and Thunderbird, I use for mail. No complaints with them either.

AVG was once installed on my system, but Avast seems to have taken over. I don't mind the program at all. It just sits in my tray all day long and doesn't appear to hog resources or interfere with other programs. I don't use it as my main antivirus though. It's just like the first line of defense before I bring the big boys in to finish the job.

uTorrent is an awesome BitTorrent client.

WordPress does piss me off from time to time, but I still use it. Specifically WordPress MU. However, once one gets used to working with it, it isn't so bad.

Pidgin is the only software I use for IM. It allows for all the popular clients to run at once without conflict. It's stable, easy to use and just simply works.

Meebo is a nice online tool for IM clients in case you are using a computer that is not your own.

VLC Media Player is a great program. I use it as my default player and after 2+ years, I haven't cursed at it or uninstalled it.

A cool freebie not mentioned is dBlogger. Nice clean blog program. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of other blog tools. It was written to be extremely search engine friendly, hence the reason why all the bells and whistles were never written into the program.
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Old 03-04-2008, 06:08 PM   #3
FreakySteve should edit this
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I love this kind of thread...
Stats software for Windows
Awesome Zip utility for Mac
Link trading for your site that you should already be using.

I'll have more as I go through my bookmarks
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Old 03-05-2008, 09:41 PM   #4
RageCash-Ben is on the lost highway
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Originally Posted by Casa Nova View Post
I checked this article out the other day, & it has some really good free apps/programs for your computer.,2817,2260070,00.asp

One that I found to be really helpful that it listed, we ourselves could use in our own industry is actually just a shared organizer type site for offices etc. With some companies having remote workers it acts as a virtual office where you can see when someone is off on vacation on the calender, when business meetings are and the notes for it etc. Has a little message board to have you all in communication and no for sure of new tasks & goals assigned & even sends email & txt message reminders for deadlines. It seems as if I'm jerking off this thing but I just think it's a really good asset to anyone with remote workers. Heres the link to it,

The original article has tons of other great things like pc security apps etc. If you find something you like put it here so others can take a look who are to busy to go through the pages of the article lol
Thanks alot - will take a look now.

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