** IslandDollars.com acquires Ladyboy-dildo.com and Ladyboywank.com - X Nations
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Old 08-25-2008, 01:25 PM   #1
The Ghost
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Lightbulb ** IslandDollars.com acquires Ladyboy-dildo.com and Ladyboywank.com

I wanted to let everyone know we've just completed the purchase and transfer of all properties related to Ladyboy-dildo.com and Ladyboywank.com, including domains and all the exclusive content on the sites. Both sites can be promoted immediately using CCBill

Webmaster page - Banners / FHG movie galleries / Link codes

Starting in about two weeks, both sites will be back on a regular update schedule. But don't let that slow you down from starting promoting them now! Both sites are extremely fresh and have seen very little promotion. I've already started tweaking the tours, and the conversions are impressive.

Right now the sites are completely active under the CCBill, and will continue to be so. If/when it's added into Islanddollars.com the CCBill links and program will always remain active. If you haven't had a chance to see these sites check them out. Ladyboy-dildo.com especially has some pretty HOT content in it. If you need a pass for promotion just contact me through the normal methods.


icq: 176176
Island Dollars - 100% Exclusive
Exotic Sologirls: Joon Mali, Lily Koh & Asha Kumara
Niche Hardcore: Ladyboy Gold, Ladyboy Pussy & I Love Thai Pussy

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