FDCservers.net LLC / ip are scammers - X Nations
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Old 10-07-2008, 01:43 PM   #1
plasticmen should edit this
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Default FDCservers.net LLC / ip are scammers

FDCservers.net offering hosting services is a scamming, dishonest company.
Never bring your servers to them and don't place them with their colo
hosting. They will never give the servers back to you.
Here is my story. In June 2006, I ordered a server from HQHost priced at
$5,000 (I have a full configuration). Then, from this company I moved the server
to FDCservers.net LLC and collocated it with them.
I paid for it regularly, just as I did for my other servers, which is proved
by my bank statement.
In a year, in June 2007, I made up my mind to move the server to another
company which offered better conditions. 2 months beforehand I notified
FDCservers.net LLC that I was about to move. I was moved to their temporary
facility and wrote FDCservers.net LLC that they have to move my server
elsewhere (transfer cost paid by me, of course). At first, they responded
with something indistinct, like, 'we will see where your server is' etc.
Then, they stopped responding at all. My attempts to contact them on their
message board resulted in me being banned.
I spent a year and a half trying to reach them, and all in vain. So, I write
here to warn people who host with them, or a going to, that this company are
I'm ready to discuss possible solutions by email with those who can offer any
options concerning getting the server back. email: promo[at]777web.net

If FDCservers.net LLC accepts its fault and wants to
settle the situation, I can be reached by email: promo[at]777web.net.

We have opened a Black list where we will inscribe unfair people or companies, as it has become of great importance lately.
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Old 10-12-2008, 11:47 PM   #2
hostchecker should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Florida
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Thats really great.
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