Your Tuesday Adult B2B Marketing Tip of the Day - Your Customer John Smith - X Nations
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Old 12-16-2008, 11:08 AM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Your Tuesday Adult B2B Marketing Tip of the Day - Your Customer John Smith

John Smith

John Smith is your potential customer. The person you're marketing to.

Here is what you must understand about John Smith and this applies to every single buying situation you can ever imagine. Even in the future when all our money is electronic and we pay for thoughts and dreams to be automatically fed into our heads, this will apply. These are the underlying foundations of the Adult B2B marketing system:

• Human nature dictates that John Smith always wants to make the best decision; he wants the best deal ALWAYS.

• In the face of little or confusing information, John Smith will ALWAYS decide using what he DOES know.

Because of this, John Smith has competing emotions in every buying situation. He desires a good deal, but tends to be frustrated because he has very little information. In the face of that lack of information, John Smith will always be grasping for more, will inevitably be confused, and casting hopelessly about for something upon which to base his decision. Again, in the face of contradicting opinions, John Smith will have a skeptical or cynical view of salesmen and will be hypersensitive to what the sales staff says and immediately catch any disparities.

John Smith will fall back upon what he knows, forcing every situation to be judged upon previous buying experiences. In addition, there will be a strong reliance upon whatever information John Smith does have.

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Old 12-16-2008, 02:00 PM   #2
JoeD should edit this
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Lightbulb Europeans Billing Europe!

Good point Bruce - and education is the key - now, how do we get John Smith's attention long enough to enlighten him to the benefits of our new or complex product offering, which is just outside his current knowledge base...?

ie: John Smith knows credit cards and will relate every other billing option to what he knows = credit cards. Direct Debit and SMS have almost nothing in common with credit cards from A to Z! The Challenge...

Exclusive content is pretty easy to grasp - traffic remains an enigma to me! But I'm getting closer now
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Old 12-16-2008, 02:22 PM   #3
Evil Chris
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Bruce, how does this particular tip apply to online adult?

I see how it would when buying an automobile, or maybe a television.
Can you elaborate a little?

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Old 12-16-2008, 10:43 PM   #4
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Originally Posted by View Post
Good point Bruce - and education is the key - now, how do we get John Smith's attention long enough to enlighten him to the benefits of our new or complex product offering, which is just outside his current knowledge base...?

ie: John Smith knows credit cards and will relate every other billing option to what he knows = credit cards. Direct Debit and SMS have almost nothing in common with credit cards from A to Z! The Challenge...

Exclusive content is pretty easy to grasp - traffic remains an enigma to me! But I'm getting closer now
The key is to educate the client after you have interrupted and engaged him.

This is done with marketing tools. I'd be glad to show you how.
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Old 12-16-2008, 10:51 PM   #5
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Adult B2B Marketing Tip for December 3rd

Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Bruce, how does this particular tip apply to online adult?

I see how it would when buying an automobile, or maybe a television.
Can you elaborate a little?
Chris all of the tips apply to any product or service that you're selling. Every business will get their best results if they use the marketing equation in all of their marketing.

If it's an affiliate program that we're talking about, what makes that affiliate program better then the others? Is it the content, the payout, the customer service? The unfortunate part of it all is that most businesses can't even articulate what makes them better. If you can't do that, then how do you expect your prospects to be able to understand it. We call this noise, when a lot of companies are saying "we're the best", "we're the greatest", "our content rocks", "we're number 1", etc. What does that all mean and more importantly, what does this do for the customer who's buying, or in the case of an affiliate program, joining?

So all of the tips apply to EVERY BUSINESS IN EVERY INDUSTRY. Including this board. I did some tips last week and Monday about having something good to say and about writing down what it is about your business that makes you the obvious choice. Everyone should do that. Do it about this board Chris. You'll be amazed how that makes you better able to market the board.
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