Supreme Court rejects COPA appeal - X Nations
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Old 01-21-2009, 11:53 AM   #1
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Default Supreme Court rejects COPA appeal

WASHINGTON – The government lost its final attempt Wednesday to revive a federal law intended to protect children from sexual material and other objectionable content on the Internet.

The Supreme Court said it won't consider reviving the Child Online Protection Act, which lower federal courts struck down as unconstitutional. The law has been embroiled in court challenges since it passed in 1998 and never took effect.

It would have barred Web sites from making harmful content available to minors over the Internet.

A federal appeals court in Philadelphia ruled that would violate the First Amendment, because filtering technologies and other parental control tools are a less restrictive way to protect children from inappropriate content online.

The act was passed the year after the Supreme Court ruled that another law intended to protect children from explicit material online — the Communications Decency Act — was unconstitutional.

The Bush administration had pressed the justices to take the case. They offered no comment on their decision to reject the government's appeal.

Five justices who ruled against the Internet blocking law in 2004 remain on the court.

The case is Mukasey v. ACLU. 08-565.
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Old 01-22-2009, 11:22 AM   #2
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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What a stupid law this was. It was so damn vague. What does "anything that is harmful to children" mean????

A Chinese court condemned two men to death on Thursday and gave a dairy boss life in prison in the first sentences handed down in the tainted milk scandal, which ignited public anger and accusations of cover-ups. Infant formula tainted with melamine was blamed in the deaths of at least six babies and the illnesses of nearly 300,000.

I think that news article would be harmful to children. If my daughter was to read that she'd have nightmares, and might never drink milk again. Thus, we'll have to fine CNN $50k. Of course, next up we should talk about news video of the burning child in Gaza.

Don't get me started on Youtube. My daughter found a video of Ronald McDonald pissing in public on Youtube. That's harmful to children.

Fucking idiots.
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