Build a Case For Your Business - Part 2 - Adult B2B Marketing Tip - X Nations
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Old 03-02-2009, 11:33 AM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Build a Case For Your Business - Part 2 - Adult B2B Marketing Tip

Build a Case for Your Product or Service - Part 2

Friday we were talking about building a case like an attorney builds a case for his client. Here's more:

So here's what you do in terms of your advertising strategy: Determine what points your case is going to be built on, then follow the three-step method for building confidence in prospects and customers: Step 1, find out what they want, step 2, give it to them, step 3, say it in a believable way. If you're going to build a case, you need to know what points the case is built upon. Just like when an attorney begins a trial and he or she, addressing the jury, says, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, in this trial, I will prove to you that so-and-so committed such-and-such crime. I am going to prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt that this occurred, and I'm going to do it based on the following evidence, 1, 2, 3, and 4. I am going to bring out three witnesses that all concur that it happened in this fashion. I will present 2 expert witnesses that will testify that these things happened this way. When you have seen this evidence, you will have no option but to conclude that he is indeed, guilty."

Keep in mind the comparison. Your customers are the jury, your product or service is on trial, you are the attorney, and it's a life-or-death sentence. So how do you find out what your customers need to know when doing business with you? How do you know what points your case should be built upon? Here's how: Imagine one of your best friends is considering buying one of what you sell, and they're asking you for advice on how to evaluate their various options. What kinds of things would your friend need to know to make the best possible purchasing decision? What things would you tell your friend to look out for? What specific pieces of information would your friend need to possess to make a fully-informed buying decision? Whatever these things are...those are the points for your case.

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