I quit smoking 30 days ago now. I feel better overall and I think I'm sleeping better as well as breathing normally as well. But I still have the cravings hitting me pretty hard. Any one who quit smoking have some suggestions to battle those cravings?
I quite over 3 years now and I don't miss it at all.
I was a heavy smoker too, and smoked for 20+ years. But finally I said fuck it, this stupid habit isn't getting the best of me. I put on a little weight but I don't even care. I'm saving $10 a day!
I tried the patch and it messed me up. I got very shaky and very angry, so I had to stop using it. I did find that replacement therapy worked really well but that gets expensive after a bit.
I quit cold turkey and has been over two yrs...I will admit that I do smoke a little cigar once in a while, but have not this year...actually the last time I did was in Montreal last may...
good work Lady
Abernathy SixtySix
Head Model & VP of Accounts
ICQ# 275-350-904 abernathy@orchidcash.com
Congrats on quitting. I hear it's a hard habit to break but the health benefits are a huge benefit.
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I quit smoking 30 days ago now. I feel better overall and I think I'm sleeping better as well as breathing normally as well. But I still have the cravings hitting me pretty hard. Any one who quit smoking have some suggestions to battle those cravings?
Yes i do , check out my cig!
I have been using them for 3 weeks now, and went down from 20 cigs a day to only 2 or 3
Thanks to every one for the support.
It's been rough since we launched the webmaster programming I've had a ton of stress. Some how though, I've managed to muddle through smoke free. I can even say that I've got an exercise schedule that I am more or less able to follow and I'm starting to take off the "quit smoking weight".
There are a lot of big benefits that are awesome like being able to breath again, but there are also little silly things like my fingertips aren't slightly yellowed from smoking and I can smell things again. All very cool!
I'm still nervous about going to Cybernet, but I think I'll be able to cope as long as I don't go outside. :P
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Never smoked myself, but more than a few friends have who have quit several times over the years. It may help to remember that the physical cravings are said to be gone after only 72 hours, everything else is your brain acting out of habit. That has helped one of my friends stay off smokes for about 10 years - or so he tells me.
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Originally Posted by RD_Shane
Yeah, I tell myself that a lot. It's amazing how strong those nasty little cravings can be and how long they can go on.
may not be an easy option depending on where you are and I have no idea of the cost, but my boss got hypnotized about 5 years ago. Was only able to do 2 of the 3 sessions that were 'required', but she says that she never had a craving after that point.
Things have been way stressful lately and I bought a pack the other day. I smoked 2 and gave the rest to my hubby for disposal.
I wanted to try hypnotism since I had heard from a number of places that it works amazingly well. But it is expensive and the guy I had talked to told me to count on multiple sessions since I was a long time smoker.
I'm really sorry to hear you started back up. But I know you can beat it when your ready.... Just don't take to long to quit again. HUGS!
I have never been a smoker so I am just rather curious, But if you quit smoking but have the occasional cigar, does that fuel your fire for smoking all over again?
I have never been a smoker so I am just rather curious, But if you quit smoking but have the occasional cigar, does that fuel your fire for smoking all over again?