You're Not Bruno, So Don't Do What I Do - Part 1 of 1 - Bruno Sex 2 Sex Tip - X Nations
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Old 02-20-2010, 03:55 AM   #1
Bruno is in the land of kazach!
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Default You're Not Bruno, So Don't Do What I Do - Part 1 of 1 - Bruno Sex 2 Sex Tip

Today I am talking about how people in the world are taught the wrong way to compete with Bruno.

You Need To Be Able To STAY AWAY From Bruno and his girls, And Then Go To Other Places For Sex.

That sexy time could be anywhere - maybe it's to call a prostitue or place an order for a flesh light kit. Maybe you want the prostitute to send in an email first, or you want to call a toll-free escort hotline, or visit a porno website. That's different than meeting a prostitue though, where you're trying to get a nice sexy feeling and attach it to your man meat. You've got to manipulate your man or woman so they will take ACTION on your Penis!

The bottom line is that you have to spend your dollars more intelligently whether it's hundreds, thousands, or even millions of dollars - more wisely than the other horny men and women on planet earth.

The way you do that is by using action-oriented vagina hunting. There are many benefits of action-oriented hunting. The main one is that you go to a red light district where you live, find a girl and pay her...

You'll hear a lot of people in the world say you can't pay for sex, but they're NEVER right. Both men and women can pay for escorts and get great orgasms.

Some people will bark that you can't join a porno site in order to properly jerk your cock. But again, you can, if and only if, you know how to do it properly. Only use your credit card on CCBILL approved websites!

There are a lot of factors and components that will affect your results when looking for sexy time. Again, you're not BRUNO, so don't emulate ME!

Bottom line, spend your dollars on other girls - and stay away from Funbrunette and all the other girls AND men Bruno wants.
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