Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spokesperson Steve Whitemore told CNN that “unless something unusual happens” the troubled actress - who was remanded into custody to begin her jail term yesterday - will likely serve 13 to 15 days (or 25 percent) of her 90-day sentence.
According to People, the 24-year-old star will likely be confined to her cell for 22 hours each day during her stay at the Lynwood facility. She is denied access to the Internet and a cell phone, has to use generic grooming products and is not allowed to smoke.
It’s not all bad, however. “They watch 'I Love Lucy,' 'Wheel of Fortune,' and a local news channel all day long,” a jail insider told the magazine.
And we wonder why celebrities never take jail seriously? Mind you I would go nuts not being allowed to use my cell - internet or smoke for 15 days yet I suppose for a celeb using generic grooming products is a punishment worse than the death penalty