A wonderful book - X Nations
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:55 AM   #1
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Citizen X
Join Date: Jun 2012
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Default A wonderful book

What prompted me to think I knew enough to contribute to book on risk? Well, a lifetime of taking risks probably helps. Whether riding motorcycles, abseiling, flying or traveling off the beaten track, I seem to have some affinity for risk taking (and some decent scars to go with it). These days I live in Phnom Penh which is nowhere near as risky as it might sound but I make up for that by traveling to interesting places on a regular basis.

Co-authoring a book about risk with the rather immodest title of Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge (SRMBOK) also seemed like an inherently risky project for a first time author. Another venture that 'seemed like a good idea at the time'. Luckily I had lots of help along the way and in any case... so far, so good.

Along the way I've survived my own risk taking tendencies long enough to pick up a Master of Risk Management and even been lucky enough to be entrusted with assessing and managing risks for some fairly significant international organizations, some of whom even know about my risk seeking tendencies but still entrusted themselves to me. For this experience and other kindnesses, I am most grateful and endeavor always to apply their risk tolerances rather than my own when suggesting what have (usually) proven to be sound ideas.

My current risky behaviors include writing a series of books and e-books on various aspects of risk management, some of which may even find a publisher if I should be so lucky. In any case, I hope you find the first one at least, a useful contribution.
a wonderful book
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