What a finish to the 2012-13 season. Right down to the wire with a final 4 play goal-line stand, the Ravens win and the Niners and their unbeaten SB record get blown out the airlock.
For the 49ers it will go down as the greatest comeback that ALMOST happened.
For Baltimore it's now their 2nd SB win that marks (supposedly) the end of Ray Lewis's career.
The game was broadcast to 185 countries in 30 languages including for the first time in Mandarin Chinese.
In other words the whole world was watching
while these three individuals listed below
won the PussyCash pool's top prize honors in the longest running football pool in the adult industry...
First off, congratulations to our
3rd place overall finisher and winner of the
3rd place prize of $250 CASH: darlo
SECOND PLACE overall finisher and winner of the
2nd place prize of $500 CASH: Gator56964
And the GRAND PRIZE in the PussyCash 8th Annual NFL Pickem Pool is ---
You win the $1000 CASH
How to collect your prize: send an ICQ to Oren: 483021558
Or email him at: orenk at pussycash dot com
The overall top 10 finishers: (the best of the best)

The list of all the weekly $100-$200 cash winners during the regular season:
Wk 01: morri
Wk 02: jackd22
Wk 03: tuffruff16
Wk 04: Gator56964
Wk 05: AnyGivenKimmy
Wk 06: EvilChris
Wk 07: bboypolo
Wk 08: WigglesNFL
Wk 09: Mmeira
Wk 10: kane
Wk 11: Mojo Risin
Wk 12: WigglesNFL
Wk 13: morri
Wk 14: Gandie
Wk 15: darlo
Wk 16: Dave-NYC
Wk 17: latinafind
Congratulations to all our winners!
And to everyone else: thanks for playing,
Special thanks to the X Nations board and it's admins for allowing the pool updates to be posted.
Also special thanks to PUSSYCASH for again showing that they are indeed
the most generous program on the web.
Lastly, if you're not yet signed up as an affiliate...

there's no time like the present!!
Get in the game and be eligible for all of the other great PussyCash promotions and
moneymaking opportunities that only PussyCash affiliates enjoy.
This brings to a close the 8th Annual PussyCash NFL Pickem Pool
Congrats to the winners
I hope you all had fun and I hope to see you all next year.