[PR] QWEBEC Expo extends Early Birds Registration for 4th of July - X Nations
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Old 07-03-2015, 01:31 PM   #1
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Default [PR] QWEBEC Expo extends Early Birds Registration for 4th of July

Today is my Birthday and i'm giving away!

Thank you all for very heartwarming wishes on Facebook!
Since I'm such in a great mood, why not extend our Early Bird one more day for
4th of July

[PR] QWEBEC Expo extends Early Birds Registration for 4th of July
Source: Qwebec Expo
by: Company Press Release


Montreal, Canada July 3rd 2015 - To celebrate 4th of July the right way, Qwebec Expo organization and Official Registration Sponsor PUSSY CASH, want to let you know that they are extending Early Bird Registrations at 60$ off the regular 180$ online price until 4th of July at 11:59 PM eastern Time. Which is giving attendees THE final chance to purchase show badges at discounted rates.

Current registration price is only $120 per person. The 60$ discount from regular online registration price is available until Saturday July 4th. Online Pre-Registrations at 180$ will ends on Sunday July 26th.

All attendees will be given Free admission to Show Floor, Seminars and Networking Events.

Attendees can register online at : QWEBEC EXPO || Registration

* Early Registration Monday May 4th to Friday July 4th 2015 = $120.00
* Advance Online Registration AFTER Sunday July 4th 2015 = $150.00
* Standard Door Registration AFTER Sunday July 26th 2015 = $199.00.

QWEBEC Expo will be held this year from August 6-9 2015 at the luxurious Marriott Chateau Champlain hotel in Montreal, which will also be making special hotel rates available for show attendees.

For additional information on exhibiting, sponsoring, or attending the event:

Contact : Michael Plant
Website: QWEBEC EXPO August 6-9 Montreal 2015 || The International Online Adult Industry Convention in Canada, Seminars, Networking and Exhibitions
E-mail: admin@qwebec.com
CEL: 418-570-7070
SKY : michaelqwebec / ICQ: 139036653



PussyCash.com is an industry-leading affiliate program network that has paid millions of dollars to its affiliate webmasters over the years. Webmasters working with PussyCash get generous payouts for promoting an ever-expanding choice of high-conversion premium sites that attract a wide range of users. Among the sites that PussyCash promotes are ImLive.com, its flagship webcam phenomenon, and Sexier.com, a highly popular webcam favorite. PussyCash launched new range of Specialty Arena Sites, of which the first are Shemale.com, Supermen.com, and FetishGalaxy.com. PussyCash has recently launched also revolution webcam site Camscreative.com and interactive porn site iDesires.com. Instead of monthly campaigns, the offer now includes flat-rate payouts on fixed scales upto $250 per sign-up, 35% Lifetime RevShare or $3 pay per lead, each pay-period, with no targets, no minimums and no limits. The offer is open to new and veteran webmasters alike. PussyCash is well-known in the industry for its integrity, punctual payments and precise statistics. And of course, our highly professional team is always on hand to give you expert individual attention and cater to all of your needs as a PussyCash affiliate. for more info’ visit PUSSYCASH.COM - Affiliate program network for adult webmaster

Michael P.
CEO - Sponsorship & Exhibit Sales Mgr.
ICQ: 139036653 | SKYPE : michaelqwebec
Up to $2.50 PPL on your Free Cams traffic at CrakRevenue

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