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Old 02-14-2003, 11:11 AM   #1
Rox should edit this
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Default I've been a bad girl

I haven't been by lately, but I still love all of ya!

I've just finished a 3-day training course in Final Cut Pro (on the company's dime -- I guess there are SOME good points about having a stinking day job), and my time's been quite taken up with lots of research since I've taken it upon myself to become the family Genealogist. In our family, that's no small task!

I have a half-brother from my father's first marriage who was so young when our dad & his mom split, that he never knew our father (his mom was a bitter woman, and kept the kids from ever seeing our dad). So I've been working diligently to gather up whatever I can to make the Old Man real for my brother. He regrets not seeking out a relationship with our dad before he passed away in '87, and I'm hoping that perhaps I can provide at least a little bit of insight, since I'm the kid who knew Dad the best and lived with him the longest.

My brother lives on the East Coast, but will be in Vegas for a convention in April, and I'm finally going to be able to meet him and spend some time with him. He's pretty thrilled to have little sisters (though I doubt he'd have felt so lucky if he'd grown up with us - LOL), and I'm just glad that before my life is over there's a chance that I'll finally know ALL of my siblings. I've never met our oldest brother, but I think that will happen one of these days; and soon, I hope. We ain't getting any younger!

I know many webmasters are quite a bit younger than I, but take it from an old lady: Family's the most important thing in anyone's life; all the rest is just what you do so you'll have the freedom to enjoy your time with them. Every moment is precious, and you never know if the visit you just had with someone might be the last time you ever see them, so make every one count. Let the people who mean something to you know it, every chance you get. It could be the last thing they ever hear.

Last, but not least, get out your photographs and take the time to write names, places and dates on the backs of every single one. 10, 20 or 50 years from now, someone may be trying to figure out who's who as they search for the branches and leaves on their family tree, and taking the time now will probably save your children or grandchildren a lot of time and frustration down the line!

Click here to see dorky pics of me & lil bitch when we were kids

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
~ Rox ~
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Old 02-14-2003, 11:20 AM   #2
Evil Chris
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Rox ! Welcome back... good to see you've been keeping well!

I think a lot of people can relate to your post. Without going into too many details, I know that I can relate. I also loved the pictures. My Mom has a ton of pics like that and you're right, some of them are tough to figure out because there are no notes on the back. I'd bet that was a lot of work setting up that album, but worth every minute of it...

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Old 02-14-2003, 04:01 PM   #3
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Welcome back darling!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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