My first car was a 1986 ford escort. I was to take over payments and gave my dad $2000 down. He was selling to me because he wanted a new firebird but didn't happen to have the $2000 he needed to put down on it.
I had it for 2 weeks until he decided he didn't wanted to sell it to me. He picked me up a beat up chevy with no tires for $50 and sold it to me for $500 (which he took off what he owed me)
I had that car until I got married and my husbands truck broke down, so he took mine.
Next car I bought with money from babysitting, made a deal with the neighbor to buy his old car on payments, paid him everything I made each week for 4 weeks. Had that car for a few years. Until I had 2 kids that had alot of doc appoints and needed something better.
Well anyway, now I have a PT Cruiser and yes I'm paying for this one to. And if my husbands truck breaks down, he can pull my old car out of the barn and use that. This one is mine!