ATO Gallery Admin even smarter than before - X Nations
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Old 03-04-2003, 07:20 AM   #1
ATO should edit this
Citizen X
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Default ATO Gallery Admin even smarter than before

We have often been asked if gallery admin could be used to automatically generate html pages with random galleries. Well now it can!

These are the new features:
- Add description and number of pics to each gallery
- Organize gallery categories in groups
- Create multiple projects each containing several templates
- Specify target and destination file for each template
- Let crontab update your sites on a regular basis

This extra feature has no affect on the usual functionality of ATO Gallery Admin, which is rotating galleries just by linking to only one url per category, and making sure that the user never sees the same gallery twice (Which is functionality that can be used for numerous things like spreading out 404 traffic on multiple sites, or other things that needs rotation).

All this you get for only 100$. Work smarter not harder!

Check out the script on:

Best regards
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