webmasters win $500 - X Nations
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Old 03-05-2003, 10:52 AM   #1
amil should edit this
Citizen X
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Default webmasters win $500


There is plenty of relunctancy in this industry for business people to try new things.
This is because the few rotten apples in the past ruined it for new companies. We have FREE LIVE FEEDS in several different niches bbw,girls,guys,lesbians,and shemales.
There is not that many companies with live bbw and shemale feeds 24/7. There are a ton of webmasters with bbw and shemale sites. Since,we are the new kids on the block.( No one knows us from a can of paint.) We will attempt to break the ICE by paying webmasters $50 to sign up for our feeds.(WEBMASTER SIGN-UP ONLY) We know that $50 bucks is not much money but SH%T if we are going to pay YOU to put our feeds up.(logic should tell you we are going to pay you when we are generating money together)we are paying you for 20 minutes of your time to sign up, take our link code,and place a text link and/or banner on your site. It is a no lose situation. If we don’t pay you then you can slam XVN CASH on this board and others. We prefer to send out all SIGN UP payments via paypal. We are marketing our program like this because the response we were getting was positive far as the feeds but negative far as ????’s will we pay??
We came up with this solution. Well, we hope that this will help some webmasters have a little confidence in us. We also will be giving away CASH PRIZES to the TOP 3 WEBMASTERS THAT SEND US THE MOST JOINS IN 30 DAYS. 1ST PLACE-$500

SIGN UP http://www.xvncash.com

Oh, i almost forgot we do have some stipulations and criteria that webmasters must meet:
1.Webmaster must have a paysite(right now we are not accepting FREE SITEs for this program but FREE SITE owners are more than welcome to sign up for the feeds.
2.A minimum of 1000 uniques to the site or group of sites where our text links or banners will be placed.
3.Send us a link with temporary username/password to see our feeds placed on your site.
4.$50 bucks per webmaster not per site owned by webmaster

SIGN UP http://www.xvncash.com
Check out feeds:
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