04-22-2003, 05:35 PM
is Travelling the
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I need your positive vibes!!!!
Ok, I need your help! This baby MUST come out! So please send me some baby vibes...lol 
04-22-2003, 06:04 PM
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Re: I need your positive vibes!!!!
Originally posted by Funbrunette
Ok, I need your help! This baby MUST come out! So please send me some baby vibes...lol
Ok, FB...I wasn't going to do this...but, you leave me no choice...
I want you to lie down and put yourself in your happy place.....rubbing your hands on your belly....making concentric circles....after fifteen minutes, I want you to think this thought.
'Once this baby comes out, there will be no more naps on Saturday afternoon'.
'Repeat after me...there are joys of motherhood; but, daily spit up on every white shirt you own is not fun'. You will never have an unstained piece of clothing again.
'My life will not be my own, until I draw my last breath'.
FB....I know you're impatient...and, I don't blame you..those who passed on this wisdom to me were wasting their time, too, as I am with you...even though I say this most tongue in cheek....
Believe me....your baby will come soon...and the reason he's not listening is because he is training you to his will. Best to learn now that the child, that adorable bambino....is gonna rule you for the rest of your life.
In the meantime...I am sending baby thoughts your way. My son, bless his heart....was right on time....almost to the minute of his due date. He's never been on time since then. But, I will always have that... 
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04-22-2003, 06:27 PM
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Come out, come out wherever you are!
04-22-2003, 06:45 PM
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I've got a shoe horn around here somewhere I think....
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
04-22-2003, 08:37 PM
is Travelling the
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Re: Re: I need your positive vibes!!!!
Originally posted by Raven
Ok, FB...I wasn't going to do this...but, you leave me no choice...
I want you to lie down and put yourself in your happy place.....rubbing your hands on your belly....making concentric circles....after fifteen minutes, I want you to think this thought.
'Once this baby comes out, there will be no more naps on Saturday afternoon'.
'Repeat after me...there are joys of motherhood; but, daily spit up on every white shirt you own is not fun'. You will never have an unstained piece of clothing again.
'My life will not be my own, until I draw my last breath'.
FB....I know you're impatient...and, I don't blame you..those who passed on this wisdom to me were wasting their time, too, as I am with you...even though I say this most tongue in cheek....
Believe me....your baby will come soon...and the reason he's not listening is because he is training you to his will. Best to learn now that the child, that adorable bambino....is gonna rule you for the rest of your life.
In the meantime...I am sending baby thoughts your way. My son, bless his heart....was right on time....almost to the minute of his due date. He's never been on time since then. But, I will always have that...
Thank you Raven...I'll try, but it's sooooo hard!  I'm so anxious to meet this mini Evil-Chris...lol  Oh and there's the fact that I can't stand or see my feet...lol
Your kind words are giving me courage! 
04-22-2003, 08:52 PM
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Re: Re: Re: I need your positive vibes!!!!
Believe me, FB...I know what you're going through. Every woman on this board, who ever had a baby, knows..and...I'm going to take a chance and speak for every mother and father on the Internet....
It's hell when the kid starts off 'before life'....not listening.....LOL..
I'm just messin' with ya, hon....
I've been looking at my nineteen year old...and thinking about you and that little bambino you've not met yet...and, my eyes fill with tears....because I remember the day mine FINALLY was born....after that forever nine months....which felt like 24....and they laid him on my chest...and I saw that red hair...and I just cried.....
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04-22-2003, 09:04 PM
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FunBrunette -
Listen to Raven's words of widom - that girl knows her stuff. Doesn't matter the topic - she just KNOWS. Trust me. I HATE how often she's right! lol
Re: babies...my 1st one (my Chris) was over 4 weeks past his due date and he is the sweetest most caring, considerate boys I know. He'll be 14 on Thursday. A true Taurus the Bull, he's very stubborn but very strong in his convictions. Tell your babe to hold on to the 24th. That's a great day to be born.
Best wishes to you and your little family - I wish you all the happiness in the world. Enjoy each moment and event to the fullest. You can never go back again.

04-22-2003, 09:23 PM
is Travelling the
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Must be the hormones cause I got tears in my eyes! 
04-22-2003, 09:45 PM
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Uh Oh ...
Is it Due Any Day Now ? 
04-23-2003, 12:28 AM
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Admit it, you were waiting for the leafs to get eliminated so Chris would show up to the birth!
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04-23-2003, 12:44 AM
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---- OUT ---- I SAY DEAR LAWD... COME ---- OUT ----
BABY COME ---- OUT ---- !!!!
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04-23-2003, 01:02 AM
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i just broke a glass of water on the floor... hope it helps 
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04-23-2003, 11:54 AM
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FB....When IS your due date?
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04-23-2003, 12:19 PM
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Get as much sleep as you can sweetie. I say sleep until he comes, cause it's all over after that. Not speaking from experience of course, however, I have heard things
He'll be here soon enough, enjoy your time while you can.
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04-23-2003, 06:24 PM
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The best to you sweetie!!  Hang in there...it's worth the wait.
(And yes--Sleep Now!! LOL)
FWIW, I hope Evil Chris gives you kinder words than Spider gave me when I was pregnant. LOL Being raised on a farm he told me one day, right before our son was born..."If you were a cow, I'de put you in a barn you're so close to giving birth."
Hahahha--what a thing to tell a pregnant gal! LOL

Lady Sharlot :-)
04-23-2003, 06:33 PM
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lots of spicy food.
04-23-2003, 06:49 PM
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*positive vibes*
04-23-2003, 07:55 PM
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Originally posted by swoop
lots of spicy food.
That didn't help one iota, swoop..I ate hot and sour soup every day of my pregnancy.....and twice a day toward the end, including rides down bumpy streets....squatting......I swear I put into play..every old wive's tale there ever was ....
That kid came when he was damned good and ready and not one minute sooner. Sigh....He's still that way! I love this child; but, I look forward to empty nest syndrome...LOL
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04-23-2003, 08:52 PM
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every old wive's tale there ever was
I think there are like seven or so on that list that is supposed to help, my roomate in college was pregnant and she swore that helped, then again you coulda told her anything would help get the kid out faster , she just wanted it OUT.
04-24-2003, 05:47 PM
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Yeah I called you stupid!
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Originally posted by PaulSweet
*positive vibes*
Your not even trying anymore
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04-24-2003, 10:33 PM
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Angel with a Devil's Grin
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
Must be the hormones cause I got tears in my eyes!
Nope...I think its a mommy thing, cuz I do too!
Best of luck, hun...the last days are THE worst...I went so far (with my best girlfriends prodding) as to take castor oil. All that lipstick tasting stuff did was make me sick 
04-25-2003, 12:01 AM
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I've got two beautiful littel girls. One's 5 and the other one is turning 2 in May. With both of them my wife and I spent the last days before they came into the world going to the movies, eating out and shopping at the mall. Why? Because we knew we couldn't do any of that stuff for a while after they were born. I've even got video of my wife riding her excercise bike the day before my first daughter was born.
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04-25-2003, 12:10 AM
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smiling in your direction...
are you keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings
to share with your little one when they are older...??
just the thought of being able to read something like that
now from my mom -- grabs me...
that wold be so so so wonderful....
I recommend walking... or standing up as much as possible...
I hope your labor and delivery go smoothly...
It will be fun to come back here and see some baby pictures, soon...
take care...
04-25-2003, 05:36 AM
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We send you love and peace energy and soon you will all be together in moments that words can not desribe! 
04-25-2003, 07:33 AM
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have sex...both my stepdaughters were born shortly after sex.

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04-25-2003, 09:06 AM
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Originally posted by sarah_webinc
have sex...both my stepdaughters were born shortly after sex.
My friends father in law told him to walk his daugher around the mall, have sex, then walk her ass some more.
I'm doing the "pop the baby out" dance for ya
04-25-2003, 09:48 AM
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