04-21-2003, 03:49 PM
Evil Chris
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The Matrix Reloaded
I don't know about you guys, but I am highly pumped to see The Matrix Reloaded.
It will finally hit theatres on May 15th. Check out the final trailer which is online now.
Did anyone see the short "animatrix" film, Last Flight of the Osiris ?
04-21-2003, 04:08 PM
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I can't wait. I did however find rendering errors in thier new trailer! HA! I should do this shit for a living.
In the Neo Vs Agent Smith Clones fight, Neo has a bar that he spins around knocking agent smith clones off their feet.
In 1 frame the bar goes through one of the agents legs before the agent was hit or flew backward.
In their earlier trailer, the bar went into the skull of one of the agents.
Yeah, Im picky about this stuff, I use to make video games :P

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04-22-2003, 09:07 AM
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i just can't wait ! 
04-22-2003, 11:15 AM
Evil Chris
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So nobody saw Last Flight of the Osiris ?
It was a 10 minute animatrix film they were/are showing in theatres if you go to see "Dreamcatcher".
05-02-2003, 04:45 PM
Evil Chris
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13 days to go and counting.... hehehe
05-02-2003, 07:05 PM
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Is it time yet? 
05-02-2003, 07:11 PM
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05-02-2003, 07:14 PM
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I just cant imagine it being better than the first. But this is coming form the guy that thought girls have an unfair advantage int his biz. LOL 
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05-02-2003, 07:28 PM
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I'm all ready to go but the wife and I have to find a babysitter for the little one first.....looks like an incredible sequel!
05-02-2003, 09:23 PM
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I'd like to see it. I don't need to see it the first night it hits the theaters, though. It should look awsome on the big screen! I hope the movie holds up to all the hype.

05-02-2003, 11:09 PM
Evil Chris
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Panky, I think it will. If it doesn't, I will be very surprised.
The Matrix (first one) is so good, I have watched my DVD about 4 times since I bought it. It still blows my mind. 
05-03-2003, 12:36 AM
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I can't wait to see it! I'm biased, I love Keanu!
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05-03-2003, 09:13 PM
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I can't wait for this movie....took them long enough. 
05-03-2003, 10:20 PM
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Oooh i'm getting all excited just thinking about it... ooh ooh!
05-04-2003, 08:04 AM
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yup. cant wait for this one.
seems very cool.
05-04-2003, 01:19 PM
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Already got tics!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!

05-04-2003, 04:35 PM
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it will be one of the highlights of the year for me, I LOVE that film!! the second one is gonna be even better so they say, hope it's true 'cause the first one kicked my ass hehe!!
05-05-2003, 08:00 PM
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05-06-2003, 11:30 AM
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For your information, they are going to show it in IMAX theaters as well, that might be interesting.
I can't wait to see it for the special effects. The first one was great, with new innovative effects that have been copied countless times since. The story was okay, but could have been so much better. Who cares about the love story between Neo and Trinity anyway. I know this is made to attract women in sci-fi movies, but it was so out of place. Anyway, I think the second one will be quite a nice viewing, even if just for the effects.
05-06-2003, 11:41 AM
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I'm an absolute fan of The Matrix, cauz I only like NON-FICTION movies.
The Matrix is a metaphor on our legal/political system, with a second metaphor disguising it, and that is why it went through the censor board.
Never mind the fight scenes, they are cool, but largely irrelevant to the main message.
Do you remember the scene where Agent Smith holds Neo before the coming train, saying it has the sound of inevitability, and while speaking to Neo, he say "Mr. Anderson" to which Neo replies "MY name IS Neo!" and thus frees himself from the grip of the govt agent ? Ask yourself what is the use and what they do with your birth certificate after you're born.
Why is it that on your income tax form, on your driving licence, on every form of official paper, your name is written as DOE, JOHN and not - John of the Doe family- Why is it that without pieces of paper saying DOE, JOHN , the flesh and bone individual, the real living and productive entity named John, of the Doe family, is purported not to exist at all ???
WHAT IS the Matrix ?
I can't wait to see the new ideas brought forward in the new movie !
05-06-2003, 11:59 AM
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That's definetly a movie I have to see! The first part is awesome I hope 2nd is even better.. 
05-06-2003, 12:04 PM
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Originally posted by Horg
For your information, they are going to show it in IMAX theaters as well, that might be interesting.
I can't wait to see it for the special effects. The first one was great, with new innovative effects that have been copied countless times since. The story was okay, but could have been so much better. Who cares about the love story between Neo and Trinity anyway. I know this is made to attract women in sci-fi movies, but it was so out of place. Anyway, I think the second one will be quite a nice viewing, even if just for the effects.
Neo, the new prophet, gets brought back to life after a kiss from Trinity. This is not romanticism, this is required by the first level metaphor. Why didn't Switch get hot for Neo ? Nope. Trinity, it has to be. And she does not make a bold move on him or grabs his butts, she waits for his death to "prove her love". And it is not "love" but "I will bring you to life because I love you", "giving life to the true self" is what she does. She doens't just want a piece of his material ass...
At the end of the movie, after his resurrection by the kiss of the Trinity, he ascends to the sky. There is one religious metaphor a minute in that movie.
That was immensely clever of them to have hiden the bottom line metaphor within a religious one. It is probably what allowed them to sneak under the radar of censorship.
But there is more, much more.
05-06-2003, 12:32 PM
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Yeah theres more, the new one has SEX baby! Thats right!
Go put a religious theme behind that one Feynman!
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05-06-2003, 12:54 PM
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Originally posted by Darin
Yeah theres more, the new one has SEX baby! Thats right!
Go put a religious theme behind that one Feynman!
Sex babies ? As in kiddie porn ?
I dunno about the new movies (apart from the trailers), but the old one DID have a strong Christian metaphor imbedded within.
As I said (do you read my posts completely?  ), it was mainly distraction. Make lotsa noise here so you can slip a hundred million dollars idea through the front door. That was good.
More generally speaking, the effects in the movie blew my mind. But now, it's old news, since everybody copied it. I could remember at least a dozen TV commercials having used ideas coming from the original movie. Bullet time and frozen-time circular pan among the most common. TGYF restaurants, car advertisement, Sears advertisement, etc. You see a new one like that every two months.
At the first viewing, I was flabbergasted by the effects, wondering "how did they do that ?"
05-06-2003, 01:30 PM
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Yeah the effects rock... cant wait.
Im still waiting to be unplugged.
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05-06-2003, 02:15 PM
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I've been counting down the days to this one!
I made myself feel a bit better by going to see X2 on Sunday night. That was a fun movie. 
05-08-2003, 03:30 PM
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Tev and my son went to see X-Men2 yesterday.
While they were there, they saw the trailers for the new Matrix.
They both came home, drooling. So, I think it's a safe bet that this one will be every bit as good as the first. 
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