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Old 05-04-2003, 09:54 PM   #1
Macho should edit this
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Question Question to anyone on the Adult web biz

Do you find people react to what we do Shocked, surprised, intrigued…..

What’s their way of treating you after they know has it changed?

This includes Friend, family members….

Another scenario….

Let say you meet some one you’re interested in getting to know in a more personal level & you notice that they may not be as open minded as we are How do you tell them what line of business are you in?

What are your experiences, thoughts, comments……
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Old 05-05-2003, 10:54 AM   #2
Mister X
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Actually it's not something that I have had a lot of noticeable reaction on. Mostly people have asked me exactly what I do or maybe if I've banged any of the girls on the sites. Or maybe they ask for a free peek at a site cuz they have never been inside a paysite. In short they have mostly found it more interesting than shocking.
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Old 05-05-2003, 07:10 PM   #3
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these days i just say i'm a graphic designer and leave it at that. but normally a friend will be close by that loves to add "for porn sites!!". i've had to tell a couple of them to let me choose who i tell and who i don't. normally i try to read the person first before divulging anything more... some girls get freaked out by it or develop an instant inferiority complex.
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Old 05-05-2003, 08:44 PM   #4
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It's funny you should mention that...When I first met Chris ( I had an office job in Human Resources) and he told me he worked on the net (marketing) After about a month of dating he took me out to dinner and told me he had something important to tell me. (I'm thinking, shit he's married, and he told me the truth...Of course I laughed my ass off and I was actually pretty excited and I bombarded him with questions. The weekend after that I went to "Seductive Shellies Cum Bath" and I had a blast watching all these people...The rest is history!

My family had a rough time understanding at first, but I explained everything and assured them I would never be content. And because they love and trust me they've accepted what I do. My brothers enjoy the free passwords...LMAO!!!

Honesty is the way to go...if people can't cope...TOO BAD! I call them hypocrits (Like they don't watch porn!!!) Come on!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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Old 05-05-2003, 08:58 PM   #5
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haha... Steph's story is true. I have to admit I was a bit nervous telling her I was involved in the online adult business, but in a way I knew she would understand.

Now when someone asks me what I do, I just tell them I have a home based internet business, and if they press me to elaborate, I tell them I buy and sell internet traffic kinda like a broker. Which incidentally isn't too far from the truth.

Good topic.

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Old 05-06-2003, 01:53 AM   #6
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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While I personally don't care what other people think of me or of what I do, I do care about my CHILDREN'S acceptance into the community.

My wife used to work in child care and my son was friends with one of my wife's co-workers adopted child.

This lady had been ostacized from her family for adopting an African child (As a single mother in Canada, the waiting list for a Canadian child would have literally been years. So she adopted a black child from Africa and had custody within 9 months).

We offered to babysit her daughter and our children frequently attended children's social events throughout the community with one another. Our children were best of friends who eagerly anticipated one anothers birthday parties or sharing a day at the beach on the weekend.

Then came the mistake of my wife's life. Inadvertently she told someone what I did for a living. The fallout was either laughable or horrendous, depending on your outlook.

My wife became a woman of, uh, "Pity and/or disgrace" for being victim of, or party to, her husbands despicable vocation. Co-workers frequently talked behind her back, because they didn't have the courage to speak to her face. OR, they spoke directly to her and tried to get the SPECIFICS on my livelihood. I could go on forever here, but this wasn't the point. My wife shouldn't have said a goddamn thing. She did. We live with the consequenses. As I said, I don't care WHAT others think of me. She does. To this day, she will say, that was the biggest mistake of her life.

Back to the point.

While our children WERE inseperable, my wife and I had to explain to our 4 year old son, why he wasn't allowed to play with his best friend anymore.

How would you explain THIS to YOUR 4 year old child?

My advice is this.

If you have children than for your children's sake, keep your mouth SHUT! While YOU may not be embarrassed by what you do for a living, YOUR child MAY encounter difficulties in his/her life for the choices YOU'VE decided to make.
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Old 05-06-2003, 09:12 AM   #7
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Yes, my mother was shocked to know I work in the XXX Biz and I'm not rich!
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Old 05-06-2003, 09:12 AM   #8
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Yes, my mother was shocked to know I work in the XXX Biz and I'm not rich!
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Old 05-06-2003, 10:08 AM   #9
tropica should edit this
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No one knows what I do as I am a respectable 32 year old mother.
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Old 05-06-2003, 10:37 AM   #10
Evil Chris
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Ron... interesting. Thanks for sharing that.
I bet there are more than a big handful of people who have gone through the exact same thing and you and your wife have.

You're right. You and I could care less what other people think of us, and what we do for our livings, but when it comes to how our kids get treated as a result, it's probably better to just clam up.

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Old 05-06-2003, 12:30 PM   #11
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Funbrunette

My family had a rough time understanding at first, but I explained everything and assured them I would never be content.

My brothers enjoy the free passwords...LMAO!!!

So it's OK to have a son who jacks-off at pictures of naked girls but a major sin to have a daughter who provides images for the honourable sons of the world to jack-off to ?


I'm not attacking your family dear Steph, just pointing out the contradiction and the double standard. My family reacts the same as yours, but being a guy, and not a hunk, the question never emerged of me turning "content".

My mother accepts what I do yet keeps warning me against those "evil people of this slimy world". For her, it borders on prostitution, organized crime, and the world of drugs.

She never questionned the fact that prostitution is giving value for money, something that most groups ranting about prostitution does not deliver...

Usually, double standard don't kill you quickly but they make your life miserable.

I know of one frequent, star poster on this forum, in his mid-thirties, who confessed to never have told his mother. He's been in the business for many years. I don't blame him for the bigotry of his parents, who I'm sure are fine people otherwisely. We unfortunately have to live with this bigotry on a day to day basis. As least, I do.

In my personnal circle of friends, I know only of one woman who is enthusiastic about what I do. Men tend to be enthusiastic about them getting free passwords, but would never want to get associated with it either. They want to keep their image "clean".

We are far from Italy where a whore and porn star can present herself in a general election and get elected at the parliement ! (Cicciolina)

I guess, the common fallacy, etched into us on the past four decades, that the male is intrinsically an agressor and the other common fallacy, that women are intrinsically evil, etched into us for 2000 years, dies pretty hard. No matter what conscious beliefs are held, unconscious beliefs catch you in moments where you expect it less.

interesting article:

Italy struggles to come to grips with the Madonna-whore complex
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Old 05-06-2003, 12:46 PM   #12
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Nano
Yes, my mother was shocked to know I work in the XXX Biz and I'm not rich!
What shocked her?

That you work in the XXX biz


that you are not rich despite working in the XXX biz ?

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Old 05-06-2003, 01:49 PM   #13
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lol nobody over her gave a shit, they all thought it was pretty cool...but nowadays when I meet new people and I tell them what I do for living some of them can react pretty weird
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Old 05-07-2003, 03:31 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Mefo
lol nobody over her gave a shit, they all thought it was pretty cool...but nowadays when I meet new people and I tell them what I do for living some of them can react pretty weird
Yeah, but where you live, girls sunbathe topless in city parks and coffee shop sells grass...

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Old 05-08-2003, 02:42 AM   #15
wonderboy should edit this
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Some great stories here. Since I'm only 5 days old in this biz, i won't have any to share for a while!

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Old 05-08-2003, 03:14 AM   #16
Dwreck should edit this
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Ron being a fellow co worker I must say I never knew you were so well spoken. Well done.

Because of my age differece and I have fact no children my stories dont run so deep.

My male friends think I’m some sort of Demigod when I show them pictures of me with Jenna Jameson. They see me in Vegas rippin’ it up and get jealous. They don’t see the hours put in behind a computer and all the other shit that goes on behind the scenes.

I was deathly afraid of what girls would think and/or perceive of me. I was scared I was going to be judged a pervert or freak, but all my close female friends accept it. I always loved flirting, playing around and pushing the limits with girls. This job suits me well, which is why it has been a success.

I would go out to clubs and everyone would whisper, “Oh, there’s Derek the pervert, the porn star, the freak, etc.” I have heard it all before. Three drinks later people are asking me for passwords to pay sites and guys are grabbing me drinks while their girlfriends tell me dirty stories. Did I tell you I love my job? LOL!

Now do My parents know? My family must know by now. It’s not exactly dinner table conversation, but they see my paychecks and the pure excitement and passion I have about what I do and they just leave it at that. They are happy I’m not in jail or something… hehehe.
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Old 05-08-2003, 08:30 AM   #17
fish should edit this
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tell my family? i'd get burned alive if i do.
all of my friends got into the biz as soon as i told them how much money i got just for surfing porn everyday. some of my girlfriends just went, eewww.. and some asked for passwords.
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Old 05-08-2003, 09:39 AM   #18
Mitzy should edit this
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If my mother knows, we don't talk about it. My kids know, but being grown boys, they won't look at anything I've done. I think it spoils internet sex surfing to know that your mom may have written it.


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Old 05-08-2003, 03:12 PM   #19
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As long as I'm bringing ethics to the table and doing the right thing my parents don't care what I do for a living.

They know my job is to help teach webmasters how to ethically market and manage their adult web business. Nothing wrong with that!

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Old 05-08-2003, 07:15 PM   #20
suesheboy should edit this
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I am 42 and my parrents have no idea I am in this biz. They would both die.

My friends and kids ( 20 and 22) think its great.
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Old 05-09-2003, 02:44 PM   #21
Bigsampy should edit this
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Thanks to google and an errant press release - my whole family knew for months. When I finally found out they knew and asked why they didn't mention it - they said that they did not think it was really any of their business how I paid the bills and more power to me.

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Old 05-10-2003, 10:24 PM   #22
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I told my mother I was making "adult websites" on the internet and she looked at me with a forced smile and kinda zombie like look and said "that's nice honey... I hear lots of young people are making money on the internet".....

She was over once visiting and needed some privacy to make a phone call so I told her to use the phone in my bedroom... forgetting that I have 6 - 500 watt lights bolted into the ceiling around my bed + a few more on stands + tripods. She walked out afterwards with the same kinda zombie like look on her face and just sat down in front of the tv and started watching the news.....

Hey... wadyagonnado?!
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