OKAY ... Yes it is true that I have an outstanding balance with Ricki Lee, That I have not forgotten or ignored.
What waws made no mention here, is that I DID arrange for her to have $300 in content, that was to be removed from the balance owing.
I just moved to Montreal from Toronto, because I could no longer afford my rent in Mississauga.
Ever sice all the board slamming that went on last year on GFY, my business has not even kept me going financially, but I have been trying my damnedest to turn that around ... FUKK, if you want to know the honest truth, I have not had ANY work at all in the past 15 days now ... and all the work I am getting lately is little gallery jobs for like $100.
This does not excuse me from my debts, no kidding, but you cannot pay what you don't have either ...
I have several times wanted to just leave adult, because I am stre3ssed by the lack of income I have recently had, but MANY close friends have told me that I should stick it out and hope for brighter skies tomorrow. I really enjoy what I do with graphics and stuff, and have stuck it out.
As far as your suggestion that NOBODY do business with me, ... What a great idea !!!

At the same time, let's all stop doing business with EVERY company worldwide that has a debt !!
You know people just assume, Hey, it's hungryman, he is known all over the boards, he has lots of money ....... well guess what ?? Being known all over the boards only shows your networking skillz, not your bank account
I am trying to rebuild myself, and my moving to Montreal where I could have much lower rent than Mississauga was part of the plan ... I am starting to aggressively market my services, and am also working solo right now, to further lower my overhead ...
Funny thing is, while I did not forget this debt, I have talked to Ricki a couple times, and she always told me that she never authorized you to go after me CD ... but your ICQ proves elsewise now ... oh well
I will say that were I did fukk up possibly, is not sending small payments to Ricki ... but there again, it is hard to send other people money when you yourself have none, and landlords banging down your door

and because her paypal account was frozen, I have only option of Western union ... to sent $50, they take almost HALF that in fees
I know I have fukked up, and I do not deny it ... how many other un-named companies in this biz fuck people over left right and center everyday, and don't show any remorse for it ... and yet we still do business with them ... You have been around as long as I have CD, you know this as much as I do ...
I don't think trying to get the entire adult world to boycott me is the solution to this dilema ... Unless you are all gonna stop doing business with WAL-MART, McDonalds ... I think there are far more companies that carry a debt, then ones that do run in the black. It is just that to crucify one of these larger companies is not as easy as us guppies I guess.
I do know that owing people money is a serious issue, but I still wonder why when I have spoken to Ricki, she sugar coats it, and smoothes it over, saying she knows I am not going to screw her, and that she did not tell you to go after me ... It seems to me that this issue is much more YOUR issue than anybody else's ....
One last thing I would like to know ... the topic of your thread is "Hungryman, this is not about yur debt to Ricki Lee" ... well then what IS it about CD ???