Attention Fetish Webmasters! - X Nations
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Old 06-09-2003, 01:12 PM   #1
topsmutlinks should edit this
I am female, dammit! :)
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Default Attention Fetish Webmasters!

Any fetish webmasters in the house?

Phat Bucks just opened a new site at:

It's one of a kind - a reality foot fetish site! We are shooting all exclusive content and we're approaching girls on the street and pay them to let us worship their feet. (I know it's silly, but wait til you see the conversions!!)

So if you've got fetish, foot or leg traffic you should check out the world's first fetish reality site. You know how hot reality sites are selling, and fetish sites ALWAYS convert, so imagine how this one does! We've really outdone ourselves - no bullshit.

Now available free content! We've also added some free content for Busty Young Babes, Foot Kink and we're working on getting some free content for our BBW site, Large Females.

We've also just added advanced sales stats! You won't believe the stats in our new system, it will do everything but tell you what your surfers had for breakfast!

So if you've got some extra traffic that you don't know what to do with, have you tried promoting fetish?

Try us out at:
- Jennifer
<b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><a href=""><font size="2" color="#0000FF">Get your hosted Foot Fetish Galleries and Free Sites here!</font><font size="2">
<font color="#FF0000">Get your hosted Big Tit Galleries and Free Sites here!</font>
<font color="#663366">Get your hosted BBW Galleries and Free Sites here!</font></font></a></font></b>
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