06-16-2003, 05:37 PM
Vid Vicious
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everyone needs an easton ...
Vodka, Blueberry Schnapps, Slow Vermouth, 2 Splaches of Club Soda and 2 green Olives. Dress with Lime in a martini Glass, Well shaken
LAst night Easton came by "TripleX Erotic Lounge" Montreal's newest and hotest Strip club were I tend Bar. He got a little pissed that there wasn't a Martini Named after him, especailly when he Fuck 5 of the pornstars on our Martini list. So In the spirit of friendship, I invented " The Easton"
He had 10 of them !
06-16-2003, 05:38 PM
Vid Vicious
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It's a blast workin here, We got 3 spinning dj's, Non Stop Strip show (we are live on the radio "Energy" every tuesday for 3 hours of live mix from triple X)... My best friends and partners are the managers, Quebec PornStar Tangerine Dream. I pick up chicks nightly and even more chicks give me they're number to model for me, Just by letting a slideshow play on my laptop!
Here's a pic of me and my bar assitant her only job is to keep the ice cold and me hot !
This Chick has the best real tits I'vce ever layed my hands on!
Last edited by Vid Vicious; 06-16-2003 at 06:08 PM.
06-16-2003, 05:38 PM
Vid Vicious
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The Card
06-16-2003, 05:45 PM
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Nice man, real nice. what kind of dance do these chicks do? $5.00, $10.00 or $20.00 per dance? 
You mentioned you had other partners. Besides Tangerine, are there any others that are known in the Montreal circle?
06-16-2003, 05:54 PM
Vid Vicious
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the Tangerine
06-16-2003, 05:55 PM
Vid Vicious
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The Vid Vicious
06-16-2003, 05:57 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by quotealex
Nice man, real nice. what kind of dance do these chicks do? $5.00, $10.00 or $20.00 per dance?
You mentioned you had other partners. Besides Tangerine, are there any others that are known in the Montreal circle?
Yupe . but I'd have to kill ya inorder to tell ya .. LOL !
As far as anyone is concerned I'm a bartender and tangerine is your hostess/manager
06-16-2003, 05:58 PM
Vid Vicious
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an ass for everyone !
06-16-2003, 06:48 PM
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I've got to go back to Montreal and experience this club and of course drink an "Easton" or two or more.

06-16-2003, 07:03 PM
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i found my new second home! 
New models booked and shot every week... MILFs, pornstars and teens. Girls for every niche and project.
Looking for high-quality affordable exclusive content? Check me out at Easton Content for all the details.
06-16-2003, 10:10 PM
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Yupe . but I'd have to kill ya inorder to tell ya .. LOL !
As far as anyone is concerned I'm a bartender and tangerine is your hostess/manager
This place looks hot and much nicer than the previous club. Do all the girls wear the same "uniform as shown on the pics"?
06-16-2003, 10:34 PM
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ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! SO then I must make my appearance and come out of hiding and show my face. SOmetime this week most probably will show up. Tonight, I doubt it but this week I don't see why not. I just gotta remember to take down teh address befor eI leave or else knowing me, I'll drive by it and not know.
So yeah this week I'll show up. So when ya working?? I gather every night?? hehehehe
See ya ythere Vid
06-17-2003, 08:50 AM
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Originally posted by BuggyG
ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! SO then I must make my appearance and come out of hiding and show my face. SOmetime this week most probably will show up. Tonight, I doubt it but this week I don't see why not. I just gotta remember to take down teh address befor eI leave or else knowing me, I'll drive by it and not know.
So yeah this week I'll show up. So when ya working?? I gather every night?? hehehehe
See ya ythere Vid
Another Join Right Now member. This crew keeps growing and growing.
Finding a parking space in downtown is too much of an hassle if you ask me. I'd rather take the metro (the closed is two steets west of Guy-Concordia Metro) and walk back home than take my car.
06-17-2003, 09:07 AM
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The drink sounds horrible (traditionalist in my tini's) but the blond garnish looks quite nice!
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06-17-2003, 10:48 AM
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Originally posted by quotealex
This place looks hot and much nicer than the previous club. Do all the girls wear the same "uniform as shown on the pics"?
it is very hot indeed... all the girls must either wear the standard uniform or only white... nothing else
come over dude, if you can slip away from the wife for a few hours!
New models booked and shot every week... MILFs, pornstars and teens. Girls for every niche and project.
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06-17-2003, 12:56 PM
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Originally posted by Easton
it is very hot indeed... all the girls must either wear the standard uniform or only white... nothing else
come over dude, if you can slip away from the wife for a few hours!
as long as there are not alot of lude patrons and everything is on the up and up, my GF has no problem with going to strip clubs. As soon as I complete my work on my LL and picposts, I will show my mug at the Triple X Lounge
Now about the dance, is it table dancing or lap dancing the strippers do. Is $50 enough pocket money to bring for dances and a dring or two, or should I carry my credit card?
06-17-2003, 05:48 PM
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Originally posted by quotealex
as long as there are not alot of lude patrons and everything is on the up and up, my GF has no problem with going to strip clubs. As soon as I complete my work on my LL and picposts, I will show my mug at the Triple X Lounge
Now about the dance, is it table dancing or lap dancing the strippers do. Is $50 enough pocket money to bring for dances and a dring or two, or should I carry my credit card?
well don't know the pricing of the drinks. Have not been there yet, but if its like most placs then 50$ will get ya some drinks and no overdoing of the dances like 3maximum if ya wanna keep 20$ for drinks. Ok couple rounds depends what ya drinking.
But 50$ if ya don't over do it on lap dances. Then again, i'm not the one to talk about not overdoing it. But that's a story for anotehr time. Am gonan pass by tonight after 11 when Iget off work. Check ou the place and confess my sins to somelovely ldy. hehehehe
06-17-2003, 07:08 PM
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Originally posted by BuggyG
well don't know the pricing of the drinks. Have not been there yet, but if its like most placs then 50$ will get ya some drinks and no overdoing of the dances like 3maximum if ya wanna keep 20$ for drinks. Ok couple rounds depends what ya drinking.
Don't forget the entrance fee and all the tips. I don't think will get you more than two drink and two lap dances imho.
Lets see:
- Entrance fee: $5.00
- Doorman fee: $5.00
- One beer: $6.00
- Barmaid tip: $2.00
- Two lap dances: $20.00
- Stripper tip: $5.00
- Another beer: $6.00
- Barmaid tip: $1.00
06-18-2003, 06:10 PM
Vid Vicious
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Alex .. sorry been workin my ass off .. and I haven't been home in three days .. LOL
Entrance is $5
your first drink is on me
Martini's are 8.25
well drinks are 6.75
You could tip the door man if you like, a buck or two will do
Dances are all $10 whether it be the pussy stage (ask easton what it is hee hee), mirror bed, VIP or the private champne rooms (full contact)
premiums are iether 7.50 or 8.25 ...
our price are pretty fair for an erotic lounge .. we don't like to refer to it as a strip bar, and the seedy characters from the Candies days are gone ... So come on by and enjoy yourself ....
06-18-2003, 06:11 PM
Vid Vicious
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Oh and beer is 5.75 .. right now all we have are labbatts products and not very much of it (labbat workers are on strike) ... Blue, Blue Dry and BUd, oh a new cool drink called Pure Source ... vodka, carbonated water and lime
06-18-2003, 11:53 PM
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i was there again last nite with all the boyz!
great time... come on by Alex, make yourself known to Vid at the bar and you'll have a blast, then have him call me and i'll pop over!
New models booked and shot every week... MILFs, pornstars and teens. Girls for every niche and project.
Looking for high-quality affordable exclusive content? Check me out at Easton Content for all the details.
06-19-2003, 08:43 AM
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Originally posted by Easton
i was there again last nite with all the boyz!
great time... come on by Alex, make yourself known to Vid at the bar and you'll have a blast, then have him call me and i'll pop over!
Cool. But I first need to complete my LL and picpost sites before I can go out and play 
06-19-2003, 04:32 PM
Vid Vicious
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all work and no play makes for a very boring life .. come to the dark side my young jedi
06-19-2003, 08:37 PM
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
all work and no play makes for a very boring life .. come to the dark side my young jedi
No work, no pay to play.
I am oamost done with the LL, know I need to plan a successful model for PicPosts....
06-19-2003, 11:26 PM
Mr. Nice Guy
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
all work and no play makes for a very boring life .. come to the dark side my young jedi
Vid! How you doin man? Is the the new bar or is that one still coming!? Good to here tings are good, mon.  Get me on ICQ/AIM 4801107/PSWMatt. All these pics make me miss Montreal. lol
All work no play? Boring is right. 
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<td><font size="-2">Mr. Nice Guy (Matt)<br><b>PSW Billing Solutions – Smart. Sexy. Solutions.</b><br><a href="http://www.pswbilling.com/cgi-bin/in.cgi?id=bds-xn" onmouseover="window.status='http://www.pswbilling.com/';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;" style="text-decoration: none; color:white;">http://www.pswbilling.com/</a></font></td></tr></table>
06-20-2003, 04:52 AM
Vid Vicious
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MATT what Up?!
It was fantasic meeting you ! hope to see ya in Maimi or right here in Montreal anytime you like!
It's the bar I was showin you .. we got the license the monday after the show ... but since the following weekend was Grand Prix here in Montreal, we decided to go for it early ... so on friday at 12 we got ownersip of the permit, at 6 pm the beer and booze showed up and by 9 we were open .. had about 100 people walk in and check us up, we were lucky to get our flyers on friday morning .. so wwe had flyer boys everyhere .. those things really work!
It's been a party .. I'll post some more pics later
06-21-2003, 06:33 PM
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Cool...I'll have to check it out and order myself an Easton....lol
06-21-2003, 10:42 PM
Mr. Nice Guy
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
MATT what Up?! It was fantasic meeting you ! hope to see ya in Maimi or right here in Montreal anytime you like! It's the bar I was showin you .. we got the license the monday after the show ... but since the following weekend was Grand Prix here in Montreal, we decided to go for it early ... so on friday at 12 we got ownersip of the permit, at 6 pm the beer and booze showed up and by 9 we were open .. had about 100 people walk in and check us up, we were lucky to get our flyers on friday morning .. so wwe had flyer boys everyhere .. those things really work! It's been a party .. I'll post some more pics later
Quebec PornStar Tangerine Dream... fn brilliant man. That's some great stuff. Have to find some time to see the madness, I just hope it's before next year's Montreal show.  Great hanging out always, see you soon enough, one place or another. POST MORE PICS. 
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<td><font size="-2">Mr. Nice Guy (Matt)<br><b>PSW Billing Solutions – Smart. Sexy. Solutions.</b><br><a href="http://www.pswbilling.com/cgi-bin/in.cgi?id=bds-xn" onmouseover="window.status='http://www.pswbilling.com/';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;" style="text-decoration: none; color:white;">http://www.pswbilling.com/</a></font></td></tr></table>
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