08-13-2003, 03:01 PM
is superfantastico!
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This pure beauty
I hit Tofino, Ucluelet and Long Beach on the weekend. Two spa days and Whale watching..sipping nice wine in our Rain Forest while Deer walked by. 4 hours from Vancouver on the Island and I'm in another world!!!! Huge cedars..lush thick forests.. I saw a humpback fly out of the water..and splash then 10 seconds later her calf did the same thing
All this and the Surf Capital of the North West Coast...the beaches are miles long and sandy with crashing surf.
More pics to come but this is a topo pic of the area.
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08-13-2003, 04:32 PM
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That's beautiful. I'm hoping to make it up that way sometime soon. You just gave me yet another reason. Looking forward to more pics, thanks
08-13-2003, 04:38 PM
is the Queen of Mean
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Wow! "Beautiful" is an understatement.

08-13-2003, 04:51 PM
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Damn that looks great.. Just one of those places where you'd realy like to right now
Wish i was there anyways 
08-13-2003, 06:18 PM
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Re: This pure beauty
Originally posted by Magnus3x
I hit Tofino, Ucluelet and Long Beach on the weekend.
Try hitting them in the off season and you will see oh how much no fun they can be. These are all basically resort towns. I have wrestled Professionally in Ucluelet 3 or 4 times now and the last time we had a stay over while there. We stayed 3 days at the big hotel in town (they opened up 4 rooms of the closed for the season hotel for us to stay at. Our only form of entertainment was mooning wrestlers in other rooms, driving down the roads at 4am too see what dead end had the most deer. And thank god the people at the smiley cafe were nice enough to let us bowl for free where we invented a new game where each shot you take has to be unique ( I luckily wiped out my ankle ).
Quite honestly the coollest part was driving up and down the highway at night and watching the locals pass us on the highway as we are going th speed limit and they are going twice as fast as us when they pass us.
It truly is a great place for a witness relocation program....lol
I am sure though it is quite fun at this time of year. 
08-13-2003, 07:27 PM
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08-14-2003, 12:24 AM
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Wow! It's breath taking! 
08-14-2003, 11:09 AM
is superfantastico!
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Try hitting them in the off season and you will see oh how much no fun they can be. These are all basically resort towns. I have wrestled Professionally in Ucluelet 3 or 4 times now and the last time we had a stay over while there. We stayed 3 days at the big hotel in town (they opened up 4 rooms of the closed for the season hotel for us to stay at. Our only form of entertainment was mooning wrestlers in other rooms, driving down the roads at 4am too see what dead end had the most deer. And thank god the people at the smiley cafe were nice enough to let us bowl for free where we invented a new game where each shot you take has to be unique ( I luckily wiped out my ankle ).
My man...just to smell the clean air and to be there is all I need. I dont need to be "doing" things 24/7 I work hard.. I play hard and sometimes I just want to relax for a few days and soak it all in. I would'nt live there but a few weeks would be bliss in my opinion.
You'll see ...one day... 
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08-14-2003, 11:23 AM
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hehehe the onl6y reason I signed up for this forum was to reply to this post. I have been to so many small towns through out BC it isn't funny. The sad thing with the wrestling industry when your doing it it doesn't feel like a vacation. You have to turn your trips into a 24 hour a day funfest/Party with what could be a very brutal on the body match at the end of the night.
I must admit I walked through a few trails in Ucluelet and could of spent all day on some of those look out spots watching the ocean all day long. Maybe I will try this vacation idea of yours, my idea of a vacation as of late is just staying off the PC for a day...lol
08-14-2003, 11:46 AM
is superfantastico!
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my idea of a vacation as of late is just staying off the PC for a day...lol
you do get it..LOL
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08-14-2003, 11:56 AM
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I still can't believe you didn't invite me and return the favor of buying you the beer in the cafe at the Westin. I mean I provided you alcohol and entertainment and then you go off whale watching without me. You're a heartless man Mag........
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08-14-2003, 12:38 PM
is superfantastico!
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you stalking me grrl?? I mean it was just a beer 
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08-14-2003, 12:38 PM
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Wow.... that's the kinda picture you wish you could just JUMP right into and swim around in! *sigh*
We're heading for Lake Tahoe next week... not *AS* nice as this, but it's as close to a paradise as our little family is getting to this year. While Daddy is @ his convention, the kids and I will be out enjoying the lake!
Sincerely though.. I had NO IDEA it was that gorgeous up there! Kinda makes me wish I was making the Vancouver conference this year so I could go exploring the area!

08-14-2003, 12:58 PM
is superfantastico!
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Please do.. you will be blown away!!!!
Not a Igloo in sight even!!!
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08-14-2003, 01:18 PM
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me a stalker? nah, I'm too old to stalk. I just club my prey over the head and drag them to my cave.
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08-14-2003, 01:36 PM
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When visiting Vancouver folks every one would like to make you think Stanley Park is the best park in town. It is all lies by the government to hide the true gold mine of Vancouver. The real deal always full of excitement 24/7 is a nice park Called Pigeon Park.
Magnus I will bring the crown royal you bring the mix and paper cups we are going on vacation...lol
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08-14-2003, 01:48 PM
is superfantastico!
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LOL youre on!!!
Dude thats not even a good pic of Pigeon Park..get it on Welfare Day
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08-14-2003, 05:35 PM
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Well I can get and even better photo. I will take my digital camera down there on a welfare wednesday night....lol
Maybe I will even get content for like a new website pigeonparkcrackho.com lol
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08-14-2003, 07:08 PM
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Great PIc. I want more.
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