New Service Being Offered - SPYRAY, the TGP Spider! - X Nations
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Old 10-23-2003, 09:08 PM   #1
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Cool New Service Being Offered - SPYRAY, the TGP Spider!

Want a quick and easy way to see exactly what TGP's are listing you and which of your galleries are getting traffic? SpyRay does that for you!

Four times daily SpyRay spiders 2,050 TGP's, looking for gallery URL's containing you Domain(s), and makes its findings available to you in a convenient, easy to read manner.

This tool is the only thing available at present that gives you a snapshot of your posting success by showing you what TGP's accept and post your galleries, and exactly which of your galleries are getting listed! And even better, it requires the NO CODE is needed on your gallery, and it operates completely invisible to the TGP's! This is a great analytical tool to analyze you work! You can modify your TGP's database of your submitter to include only TGP's that faithfully list you, you can see which of your sponsor's are getting the most exposure, and you can see which of gallery designs/niches are the most popular among the TGP's. Never has such a tool been available to gallery submitters!

SpyRay does NOT tell how many hits each gallery is getting, but it DOES tell you exactly which galleries are listed, and therefore getting traffic. It is a tool to help you optimize your posting and advertising strategy, which will make you gallery submission efforts much more efficient and profitable.

You have a variety of options to choose from, as to how many domains you wish to monitor, and the duration of service. Obviously the more domains and the longer the tine period, the greater the savings to you! Check us out at, or go to to see an example of SpyRay's results.

Good luck!
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